Gum disease

Understanding Gum Disease: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a common but often underestimated oral health concern that affects millions of people worldwide. From its subtle beginnings to its potentially serious consequences, understanding gum disease is crucial for maintaining optimal oral health. In this article, we’ll delve into the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for gum disease, while also exploring its connection to periodontal treatment and the evolution of orthodontics.

The Basics of Gum Disease

Gum disease starts with the accumulation of plaque, a sticky film of bacteria that forms on the teeth. When plaque is not adequately removed through proper oral hygiene practices such as brushing and flossing, it can harden into tartar, leading to inflammation of the gums, known as gingivitis. Gingivitis is the early stage of gum disease and is characterized by symptoms such as redness, swelling, and bleeding gums during brushing or flossing.

If left untreated, gingivitis can progress to periodontitis, a more severe form of gum disease. Periodontitis involves the destruction of the tissues and bone that support the teeth, leading to symptoms such as receding gums, persistent bad breath, loose teeth, and eventual tooth loss.

Causes of Gum Disease

Several factors contribute to the development and progression of gum disease. Poor oral hygiene practices, such as infrequent brushing and flossing, allow plaque and tartar to accumulate, increasing the risk of gum inflammation and disease. Additionally, certain risk factors, including smoking, hormonal changes, diabetes, and genetic predisposition, can heighten susceptibility to gum disease.

Furthermore, lifestyle factors such as diet and stress can impact oral health. A diet high in sugary and acidic foods promotes bacterial growth and plaque formation, while stress weakens the body’s immune response, making it harder to fight off infections like gum disease.

Symptoms of Gum Disease

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of gum disease is essential for early intervention and treatment. In the early stages, gingivitis may present with symptoms such as:

– Red, swollen, or tender gums
– Bleeding gums, especially during brushing or flossing
– Persistent bad breath
– Receding gums

As gum disease progresses to periodontitis, symptoms may worsen and include:

– Pus between the teeth and gums
– Changes in the bite or alignment of teeth
– Loose or shifting teeth
– Pain when chewing
– Abscesses or sores in the mouth

If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s crucial to consult with a dental professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Treatment Options for Gum Disease

The treatment approach for gum disease depends on the severity of the condition. In cases of mild to moderate gum disease (gingivitis), professional dental cleanings, along with improved oral hygiene practices at home, may be sufficient to reverse the inflammation and restore gum health.

For more advanced cases of gum disease (periodontitis), additional interventions may be necessary. Periodontal treatment aims to remove plaque and tartar buildup from below the gumline through procedures such as scaling and root planing. This deep cleaning technique helps to eliminate bacteria and smooth the tooth roots, allowing the gums to reattach to the teeth.

In some cases, surgical intervention may be required to address severe gum disease and repair damaged tissues. Surgical procedures such as gum grafting, bone grafting, and flap surgery may be recommended to regenerate lost gum and bone tissue, stabilize loose teeth, and improve overall periodontal health.

The Evolution of Orthodontics and Periodontal Treatment

Advancements in orthodontic treatment have also contributed to the management of gum disease. Traditional orthodontic methods, such as braces, were once thought to exacerbate gum disease by making oral hygiene more challenging. However, the evolution of orthodontics has introduced innovative solutions such as clear aligner therapy, which offers removable aligners that allow for easier oral hygiene maintenance during treatment.

Additionally, orthodontic techniques that focus on proper tooth alignment and spacing can help reduce the risk of gum recession and periodontal issues. By aligning the teeth and optimizing bite function, orthodontic treatment can create an environment that is more conducive to gum health and maintenance.

Understanding gum disease is essential for maintaining optimal oral health and preventing serious complications. By recognizing the causes and symptoms of gum disease and exploring treatment options such as periodontal treatment, individuals can take proactive steps to protect their gums and preserve their smiles. Furthermore, the evolution of orthodontics continues to play a role in promoting gum health and enhancing overall treatment outcomes, highlighting the interconnectedness of dental specialties in comprehensive oral care.

Team dynamics

The Catalyst Effect: Revolutionizing Team Dynamics in the Workplace

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, the success of an organization often hinges on the synergy of its teams. With the increasing complexity and fast-paced nature of the corporate world, fostering effective team dynamics has become more critical than ever. Enter the Catalyst Effect – a transformative approach to team building that not only enhances productivity but also brings the fun back into business.

The Importance of Team Dynamics

Team dynamics refer to the psychological and behavioral relationships between members of a team. Healthy team dynamics are characterized by trust, collaboration, and mutual respect, which are essential for achieving common goals. Conversely, poor team dynamics can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and inefficiencies, hindering business growth.

The Catalyst Effect focuses on revolutionizing these dynamics, transforming how teams interact and perform. It emphasizes creating an environment where employees feel valued, engaged, and motivated. This approach goes beyond traditional team-building exercises, incorporating innovative strategies that foster deeper connections and drive sustainable success.

The Catalyst Effect in Action

1. Creating a Positive Work Environment

The foundation of the Catalyst Effect is a positive work environment. This involves cultivating a culture of open communication, where team members feel comfortable sharing ideas and feedback. Encouraging transparency helps to build trust and prevents misunderstandings that can disrupt team harmony.

Additionally, recognizing and celebrating individual and team achievements can boost morale and motivation. When employees feel appreciated, they are more likely to stay engaged and committed to their work. This positive reinforcement brings the fun back into business, making the workplace a more enjoyable and productive space.

2. Encouraging Innovation and Creativity

Innovation is the lifeblood of business growth. The Catalyst Effect encourages a culture where creativity is not just welcomed but actively promoted. This can be achieved through brainstorming sessions, innovation workshops, and providing opportunities for employees to work on passion projects.

By fostering an environment where new ideas are valued, teams become more dynamic and adaptable. This not only leads to innovative solutions but also keeps employees excited and invested in their work. The infusion of creativity and fun into daily tasks can rejuvenate a team’s approach to problem-solving and project execution.

3. Building Stronger Relationships

Strong interpersonal relationships are at the core of effective team dynamics. The Catalyst Effect emphasizes activities that build trust and camaraderie among team members. These can range from team-building retreats and social outings to collaborative projects that require close cooperation.

When team members know each other well and have strong bonds, they communicate more effectively and work more cohesively. This leads to a more synchronized team effort, where everyone is aligned with the organization’s goals. By integrating enjoyable activities into the work routine, businesses can create a more cohesive and enthusiastic workforce.

4. Enhancing Communication Skills

Effective communication is essential for any team’s success. The Catalyst Effect involves training programs and workshops focused on improving communication skills. These sessions teach active listening, constructive feedback, and conflict resolution techniques.

Enhanced communication skills ensure that team members can express their ideas clearly and understand others’ perspectives. This minimizes the risk of miscommunication and conflict, creating a smoother workflow. Bringing the fun back into business through interactive and engaging communication training can make learning these crucial skills more enjoyable.

5. Promoting Flexibility and Adaptability

In today’s rapidly changing business environment, flexibility and adaptability are key. The Catalyst Effect promotes a mindset that embraces change and encourages teams to be agile. This can involve cross-training employees in different roles, encouraging a growth mindset, and fostering resilience.

Teams that are adaptable can navigate challenges more effectively and seize new opportunities for business grow. By making flexibility a core component of team dynamics, organizations can ensure they are well-prepared to meet evolving market demands. Infusing fun elements like gamified training sessions or creative problem-solving challenges can make the process of becoming more adaptable enjoyable.

The Impact on Business Growth

Implementing the Catalyst Effect can lead to significant improvements in business growth. Here’s how:

1. Increased Productivity

When team dynamics are optimized, productivity naturally increases. Teams that communicate well, trust each other, and enjoy their work are more efficient and effective. This leads to higher output and better quality of work, driving business growth.

2. Enhanced Innovation

A creative and innovative team can develop new products, services, and processes that give the business a competitive edge. The Catalyst Effect’s focus on fostering creativity ensures that teams are constantly pushing the boundaries and exploring new possibilities.

3. Improved Employee Retention

A positive and engaging work environment leads to higher employee satisfaction. When employees feel valued and enjoy their work, they are less likely to leave the organization. High retention rates reduce recruitment costs and preserve institutional knowledge, contributing to sustained business growth.

4. Stronger Brand Reputation

Companies known for their strong team dynamics and positive work culture attract top talent and loyal customers. A great workplace culture can become a key differentiator in the market, enhancing the company’s brand reputation and driving long-term success.

The Catalyst Effect is a powerful approach to revolutionizing team dynamics in the workplace. By creating a positive work environment, encouraging innovation, building strong relationships, enhancing communication skills, and promoting adaptability, businesses can transform their teams into highly effective and cohesive units. This not only brings the fun back into business but also drives significant business growth. Embracing the Catalyst Effect can set an organization on a path to sustained success and a vibrant, dynamic workplace.

india business opportunities online mars orbiter space exploration indians mumbai

India on Mars: Space Missions Create Business Opportunities

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, humanity’s journey to explore the unknown has transcended national borders. India, with its ambitious space program, has made significant strides in this domain, culminating in its landmark Mars mission. Beyond the scientific and technological achievements, India’s ventures into space have also opened up a myriad of business opportunities, paving the way for innovation, collaboration, and economic growth.

Exploring Mars

India’s Mars Orbiter Mission, also known as Mangalyaan launched in November 2013, marked a historic milestone for the country’s space agency, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). It made India the first Asian nation to reach Mars orbit and the fourth space agency in the world to do so. This accomplishment not only showcased India’s technological prowess but also demonstrated its capability to undertake complex interplanetary missions at a fraction of the cost compared to other nations.

Technological Advancements

The success of India’s Mars mission underscored its growing expertise in space exploration, prompting increased interest from both domestic and international stakeholders. ISRO’s advancements in satellite technology, propulsion systems, and mission planning have not only bolstered its reputation but have also positioned India as a viable partner for collaborative space endeavours.

Commercial Satellite Launch Services

One of the most lucrative avenues that India’s space program has opened up is in the realm of commercial satellite launch services. ISRO’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) has gained a reputation for its reliability and cost-effectiveness, attracting customers from around the globe. By offering competitive launch prices, India has emerged as a preferred destination for countries and companies seeking to deploy satellites into orbit.

Remote Sensing and Earth Observation

India’s constellation of remote sensing satellites provides a wealth of data for applications ranging from agriculture and urban planning to disaster management and environmental monitoring. Leveraging this capability, Indian startups and enterprises have developed innovative solutions that harness satellite imagery for various commercial purposes. From precision agriculture to infrastructure development, the insights derived from these satellites have spawned a burgeoning industry with immense growth potential.

Space Tourism

With the advent of commercial space travel on the horizon, India is poised to capitalise on the burgeoning space tourism market. While the focus has primarily been on orbital and lunar tourism, the allure of venturing beyond Earth’s confines has captured the imagination of enthusiasts worldwide. India’s burgeoning private space industry is actively exploring opportunities in this sector, with plans for suborbital flights and beyond. Since The Red Planet is such a global buzz, of course we should put out marketing, publicity, media releases and public relations efforts in its direction.

International Collaboration

India’s space program has fostered extensive collaboration with other nations, facilitating technology transfer, joint missions, and shared research endeavors. Collaborative projects such as the Chandrayaan missions with NASA and ESA, as well as participation in initiatives like the International Space Station, have not only enhanced India’s capabilities but have also created avenues for commercial partnerships and knowledge exchange.

Emerging Technologies

The convergence of space technology with emerging fields such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and 3D printing has spurred innovation and entrepreneurship. Indian startups are at the forefront of developing cutting-edge solutions for space exploration, satellite manufacturing, and in-situ resource utilization. As the space industry evolves, these technologies will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of space commerce.

Policy and Regulatory Framework

To harness the full potential of space exploration and commercialization, India has been actively revising its policy and regulatory framework. Initiatives such as the Draft Space Activities Bill aim to streamline licensing procedures, promote private sector participation, and ensure compliance with international obligations. By fostering a conducive environment for investment and innovation, India is poised to emerge as a key player in the global space economy.

Life on Mars? We Will Be It

It’s true that David Bowie, even post passing, has a substantial cult following in India. So it would be no harm to invoke his famous song Life on Mars when considering that Indians on Mars are a real prospect thanks to our vibrant, imaginative and courageous space agency known as the Indian Space Research Organisation which is the active program within the Department of Space. The fact is, as India’s population continues to grow fast, we need more space – and that can be expanded with a capital S to Indians need more Space. Outer, inner, under, or wider, our population is booming not just within India but around the world. We have now overtaken China as the country with the highest population. If NASA’s Rover mission needs better teeth for picking up rock samples, Indian dentists and veterinarians are best placed to ensure this robot has the finest gnashers in the universe.

Space is a Trading Post

India’s foray into space has transcended mere scientific exploration, ushering in a new era of economic opportunities and technological advancements. From satellite launches to space tourism, the country’s space program has catalyzed innovation, collaboration, and entrepreneurship across diverse sectors. As India continues to chart its course among the stars, the possibilities for business and growth in the final frontier are indeed limitless.

Indians Buying Homes & Property in Australia: Is It Easy or Difficult?

Australia makes it easy for foreign investors to buy property because they have a rich tradition of encouraging foreign investment. Unlike most other nations around the world Australia is desperate for overseas dollars. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics Indians form the second largest by population migrant group in Australia. Chinese migrants hold the coveted number one spot. The facts and figures stand in strong contrast to the racist history of this young country and its White Australia policy of the twentieth century. Of course, many Indians in places like Sydney and Melbourne predominantly experience a welcoming easy going acceptance by the local denizens. Indians buying homes & property in Australia: Is it easy or difficult?

Pandemic Pain for Indian Migrants in Australia

Now everyone knows that real estate agents are soulless blood suckers intent on making a sale at any cost LOL. Back in 2016 they were announcing India as the next big thing for them to feather their own nests via sales to cashed up Indians coming to Australia. The global pandemic and locked down Australia has caused plenty of heart ache for Indian migrants, as they were excluded from extended family for nie on two years. Travel exemptions were hard to come by and there were stories of children separated from parents for lengthy periods. Thankfully things look to be opening up now at the close of 2021.

Foreign Investors Buying Property in Australia

First up you will need to apply to the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) if you are a foreign resident, temporary resident in Australia, or short-term visa holder. There are some caveats in that non-residents cannot purchase established dwellings. They can purchase new dwellings and vacant land zoned for residential development. Temporary residents can only purchase one established dwelling and it must be their primary place of residence.

Why not check out a fixed-rate or variable home loan to see if buying property in Australia is right for you? Of course, having a career as an orthodontist makes financing much easier. There may well be time left over for a regular round of golf on some of Australia’s many fine courses located within easy reach of capital cities. According to SBS more than half of the permanent migrants in Australia have purchased their own home here. Indians, as we well know, know what’s what when it comes to making a good life for their families and securing their future.

India’s Toughest Trekking Tours: Courage Is A Must

There is something fine in the dash of a torrent and the wildness of a mountain desert.
George Trebeck on Ladakh, 1820

“Has anybody done the trek from Zangla (or Padum) to Hemis via Cha Cha La (Chalalachaur) and Rubrang La?”

“Is it true that it July and August are to dangerous because of high water in the gorges?”

“What about the trek from Hemis, across Karnak, to Pang? Is it difficult to find a guide or horseman who knows the route?”

“Is it a good idea to combine that with Markha Valley?”

Questions that are often asked, with a resounding “Yes” as the simple answer for each.

Although not an entire adventure in India but rather one that begins in Nepal and includes the union territory of Ladakh, the Jhunglam or ‘middle way’ is a wild, remote network passages and narrow canyons, considered one of the most dangerous treks in the world.

It starts at the world-renowned Hemis monastery, and leads to the demanding and stunning Zanskar valley.

Taking 10 days over 140km, it is wide and stony riverbeds, high passes, and deep, deep ravines for this Tibetan trader route that an early snow will close. It’s a passage passable only in autumn when low rivers offer the safe negotiation of its narrow gorges. Maximum elevation is 5260m with elevation gains of 4792m and losses of 4895m.

Many have tried and failed the Jhunglam trek in mid-August because it’s just too hairy. People hiking the other way from Rara Daha often have a better chance of making it, but why add the risk of unsuitable weather to the already most perilous treks on the planet?

A solo Czechoslovakian tried this trek during July and August in 2004, when the water rose on the rapids. It prevented his progress, which wouldn’t be so bad but he was trapped between two sets.

Couldn’t go forward: couldn’t go back.

So for sometime between one and two months, water captured a man on the high of the earth and under cover of a low sky, and he was utterly, utterly helpless.

We know we should never underestimate nature and her power, yet we continue as an arrogant species, to wreak havoc upon her. Still, nature used nothing but herself against him; and with he having nothing but himself, locals found him a few weeks later having starved to death.

Guide books aside, when locals say it’s too risky to trek during this time, it is. Monsoon season, after all. And not the Edina and Patsy kind.

The Hemis to Pang trek has the challenge of crossing the Rubrung or Zalung Karpo La in that the valley is 4200m+ on the other side; quite a jump from the 3600m of the Markha side. The trail goes up from then on, so altitude issues mean you have to go up before you get down.

That said, many have done it three or four times because it’s a recognised and obvious route, therefore deemed safe. For those not having done Ladakh before, it’s recommended to start in Markha since it’s easier on the boots and brain than Karnak, and more importantly, if you dont like it in Markaha you can stop and get out easily.

Remote valleys, high passes, ochre-hued and ancient monasteries and Zanskari villages in harvest time sit under the blue skies and fresh breath of early winter, in an autumn Himalayas. This trek is a true taste of the ancient Kingdom of Zanskar with a just a bit of the refreshing bite of early winter in the air. Blue skies and few tourists make this wonderful time of the year to trek in the Himalayas.

Indian travel operators can learn from how Australians market their harshest, cruellest trips to their advantage for the toughest foot journey in India, and sixth most dangerous on the planet, being the Chadar Trek. “Chadar” means “blanket” in reference to the ice cover. It too takes ten days, and reaches altitudes of up to 3330m. Chadar became one of the most famous treks in India after images of barefoot Buddhist Monks walking along the river surfaced in magazines all over the world.

Never underestimate nature, and never focus on the bare feet of the Monks: this trek is far, far beyond the abilities of the weak, ill prepared, or faint hearted.

You may have courage, but it’s a paltry ante for the terrain and its conditions. And if mettle is not your forte Australia’s Simpson Desert best tackled via a Tag Along four wheel drive is probably a much more suitable, and enjoyable endeavour.

This trek crosses the frozen river of Zanskar that can be either a solid sheet of ice, or the frozen lid to gurgling water underneath. The river can shift, breaking whatever ice there is, and the only way to continue is by way of treacherously slippery rocks along its banks. This isn’t the only dangerous aspect of this trek; cold weather is a big part of what makes it such a tough journey. Average temperature is below zero, and at night can reach minus 34°C. Sleeping in caves in these temperatures is a massive test for any experienced hiker. willpower.  With the appropriate gear, confidence and knowledge of personal ability, mental and physical fortitude, this tough and arduous hike rewards those with the courage an absolutely unforgettably spectacular adventure.

Indian Electricians Working To Speed Up 21st Century Cities

India, a third world country mired in ancient lore in the minds of many westerners, is actually planning to become a 21st century superpower. The Indian nation is on track via technology and science to achieve this mammoth goal in a few decades or less. Harnessing its billion people population economically means that it will become a tour de force if it can successfully manage to embrace technological change across the board. Indian electricians working to speed up 21st century cities will be a big part of the necessary infrastructure upgrade.

Electricity Rapidly Transforming India

Electricity has not been a friend to religious superstition and mysticism. It powers harsh lights, which reveal the cracks in the facades of illusions and frauds. Human beliefs in gods and paradise are fuelled by ignorance and an acceptance of the unknown. Science dispels many of these quasi- magical conceptions of the divine realities of religion. Religions are really cultural customs propped up by spurious beliefs in unseen supernatural entities. India will have to consign its rich cultural realm to a lesser place on the stage of life if it is to move forward as an economic superpower. Technology is providing its own kind of magic to the denizens of this vast subcontinental territory.

India to the Moon & Mars

Things like computers and smartphones are fast becoming ubiquitous in India in the 21st century. New buildings, where smoke alarm installation is mandatory, are rising up in cities across the nation. These developments are facilitating the housing of an enormous tech savvy middle class in the cities around India. India is currently the sixth largest world economy, with a $2.98 trillion GDP. It is the outsourcing capital for the English-speaking world, with call centres servicing corporate customers from Australia, the UK, USA and many more. India is forging ahead with space research and space exploration. Indian satellite launches are prolific. Mars and the moon have been sent unmanned missions.

Indeed, Indians are using digital marketing to power up social change. The rapidly emerging middle class are a tsunami taking over the reins of direction for this soon to be world power. India is making great strides in alternative energy with solar powered projects across the country. The Indian pharmaceutical industry is making Covid-19 vaccines and competing with China to save countries around the world from the ravages of this global pandemic. India is a true miracle of human innovation and application.

Document Destruction in the Paperless Office: Myths & Realities

It seems like I have been told about this paperless office for a very long time. However, I am yet to work in one of these places, despite the fact that I have been working in a variety of offices for decades. Here in India, we love our offices and have been, in many instances, missing them due to the COVID-19 lockdowns. Many of us are looking forward to getting back to work in the office in cities around this nation. I do think that the pandemic has hastened the digital revolution and reduced the amount of paper being used but paperless? No way Mahatma! Another factor to consider is document destruction in the paperless office: Myths and realities abound.

Technology Driving the Great Leap Forward in India

Is the paperless office an Indian myth in the 21C? Or is Indian business embracing the digital revolution and saying Namaste to paper? Like most places I think a bit of both is true in India in 2020. Technology is acknowledged as the driver of the great leap forward in our country and around the globe. It is, also, much easier to get turmeric stains off a digital copy than from paper, in my own experiences. Of course, the reality is that very few offices are genuinely paperless, so if you think they are, and therefore have neglected to put in place a strategy for document destruction of hard copy material, you’re leaving your intellectual property and secrets wide open to theft.

People Still Love Paper in Particular Places

There will always be a need for document destruction paper shredding machines in the same way that roti wraps dhal. The world does not change that much in truth despite all the grandiose claims forever bandied about. Paper has currency in India and elsewhere around the world. Stuff that you can touch continues to hold the attention of human beings, even in the 21C. Some paper is as highly valued as your wedding day photos. However, document destruction in the paperless office: Myths and realities remain to be considered on an individual case by case basis.

Things like Sharepoint intra-web reducing the amount of documentation in your office can really be a progression in the greater scheme. We all love paperless offices when they work but bemoan digital programmes and hardware when they stuff up. Really it can be a catch 22 situation, where you are caught out at the wrong times with the wrong equipment. There are security issues with both old and new technologies. Therefore, you must be prepared to cope with failures in all situations. Don’t be caught without paper with your pants down!

Dental Tourism To India: Will Coronavirus Affect Us?

Dental tourism is worth many billions of dollars to India, with visitors taking advantage of our cheaper dental services for their complex procedures. So, dental tourism to India: Will Coronavirus affect us? Most probably yes, if the pandemic continues to spread globally and if India becomes an epicentre for COVID 19. Currently, the coronavirus outbreak is centred within China, but Iran, Korea and Italy (in the north) have seen substantial outbreaks. Global travel by air will see the virus spread to other parts of the world if it cannot be contained in the countries it is affecting.

COVID 19 Will Impact Upon Dentists Everywhere

The dental tourism market is a substantial contributor to the Indian economy, and it will suffer if COVID 19 erupts in India. It is already impacting upon the way dentists go about their business in places right around the world. Dentists even in Australia are factoring coronavirus into their safety strategies. Invasive contact procedures are particularly at risk for the transference of the disease. Tourists thinking about having procedures, like crowns and other complex stuff done, may well think twice before committing in the current climate. People may put off having surgeries of any kind until things settle down on the coronavirus front.

Global Economy Taking a Big Hit

The global economy is taking a huge hit already from the coronavirus pandemic. Stock markets in all the major centres have had billions wiped from their value. This early economic calamity shows just how vulnerable the global supply chain economy is. China manufactures so much for so many countries around the world. Things are grinding to a halt because things are not being made and sent to those overseas markets. If India goes the same way, then, there will be even further economic damage to economies globally.

India’s international education industry may be the next major industry to be impacted. The outbreak in Iran may spread to more countries in the Middle East, where many students who study in India are from. The world could come to a halt if the global pandemic worsens. People will be forced to stay at home, to refrain from travelling anywhere, in a bid to stop the spread of the virus. Food shortages will be an issue if things get really bad. It will be challenging for many nations, including India, to contain a pandemic.


Common Health Concerns In India

India is a third world developing country in Asia. It has the second largest population worldwide but very little financial freedom. Their history can be traced as far back as five millennia. They are known for their land, spices, jewelry, diverse religions and ancient architecture.  Like most third world country, India has a high poverty rate and problems in population. With these many people, health can become an issue, the more because of lack of education and improper hygiene. Common health concerns in India includes heart and respiratory diseases. Some would point to tobacco to be cause for most of these diseases.  Particulates in the environment are contributors to this growing concern.


Smoking and tobacco use is one of the leading causes of heart disease and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD, two killer diseases rampant in India. Respiratory system images of those suffering from COPD show that it is not limited to just cigarette smoking. It can also be from particulate matter in the environment due to pollution. Dust, smoke not pertaining to cigarettes, salt, pollen and soot can be suspended in the air that can be a factor to these diseases. What’s more is that COPD can increase the risk of heart disease and worsen existing health conditions.  Other growing health concerns include tuberculosis, gastrointestinal diseases and diabetes due to pollution, poor nutrition and hygiene. There is also a lack of education of how to prevent and fight these diseases. Common-Health-Concerns-In-India

India’s economy has been doing better since the start of the decade but you wouldn’t think it was from the outside looking in. Call centers and technology related positions and enterprises are popping up. It would seem that a very small sector benefits from India’s developing economy. It doesn’t reflect it at all when looking at the accessibility of healthcare for the people. So many things have to be addressed especially in the grass roots level. Massive educational campaign on proper hygiene and food preparation. Provide them with clean water and adequate sanitation. Implementing cleanliness and immunization. Accessibility to healthcare. Clean food, exercise and educating them on the need and advantages of changing what was into what could be.

Children’s Activities A Growing Business Opportunity in India

There’s not much to compare with a child’s laughter. That very obvious glee and innocence and exploration of their world. They seek out more happenings, experiences and involvement. Because man is a social being, parents encourage friendships and association early on, believing that a happy child is usually a child engaged in activities they love.

Because of modern technology and social media, children now have far more online apps than physical activity. But with the rise of cases and the new study that confirms the perils of too much screen time, parents and educators are now actively looking for ways to prevent screen time and encourage more physical play.

There’s an increase in children’s activities a growing business opportunity in India because of this new trend. Business minded people are taking advantage of this knowing that parents will always put their kids well being. More active, manipulative and participatory exercises, educational tours in a range of age-relevant activities aimed at mobility and developing skills.  

Kids’ party planning is a booming industry. Not just the infant and toddler ages but teens and coming-of-age parties are becoming increasingly popular. In addition to the traditional birthday and graduation events, bar and bat mitzvahs and sweet 16 parties signal a trend toward increased celebration of kids’ milestones. Given the significant Hispanic population, quinceñera (age 15) parties in particular can be expected to rise in popularity.

Although no numbers exist for this market, experts predict that the industry will continue to grow, as parents provide not only a greater number of parties but also more expensive ones for their children.

An increase in playgroups and preschools attest to this growing business opportunity. Most are announced or arranged in social media and have dispensed normal forms of advertising. Those most notable are corner classes sprouting like convenience stores on every neighborhood. And it includes all classes from the richest to the poorest.

Playdates, craft classes and tutorials, museum tours and sports for kids – they are good for your children’s health, enable them to move freely, make decisions and make friends and, the most important part, they keep you sane.   

Education Matters More Than Ever in India

Education matters more than ever in India and in every nation around the globe. Through education countries can change the lives of their citizens and transform the economy of the nation as a whole. In India, rapid growth and change are the order of the day. This populous place is burgeoning in so many different directions. Consider the fact, that we have some 600 million young people under 25 years of age. India is expected to overtake China, as the most populous nation on the planet, by 2022. India is already the world’s fastest growing economy and is expected to become the second largest economy by 2050.

India in 2018

India is still a developing country, however, and home to the greatest number of poor on the planet. So, you can see a huge mix of opportunities and problem issues exist concurrently, making it an exciting time to be Indian in 2018. Education is the most important opportunity and challenge that this nation faces. We must get it right in order to progress in the direction, which will bring prosperity to the greatest number of our people. Consider that half a billion people in India did not use a proper sanitised toilet in 2017 and you understand the breadth of the challenges we face.

Exciting New Developments in Education

There are exciting new developments in education happening globally, as technology changes the way we educate our children. The old black board and chalk based classroom style school systems are becoming obsolete. Google and computers are making new things rapidly possible. A reliable fast speed high data internet connection means that students need not be physically placed in bricks and mortar classrooms to be educated in the 21C. Things like incursions are bringing that technological style education to schools. Click here for more to see an Australian example of this.

A New India in A 21C World

India faces cultural resistance to change in many areas, education included. Nations that remain mired in archaic religious realities are unable to meet the challenges demanded by a modern 21C world. It is important to remember that modern India was created as a secular nation. It will only be through letting go of the past that India will be able to move into the future. Education is the single most important pathway to new Indian prosperity for all of our people.

The Growth of Outsourcing in India

The Growth of Outsourcing in India

Outsourcing has become one of the top trends in the business world regardless of industry. The question on everybody’s mind at this point is until when will this trend continue? India, which is one of the countries that has benefited immensely from the growth of outsourcing along with the Philippines, has transformed itself as a major hub. With the constantly changing global business dynamics, what does the future hold for the growth of outsourcing in India?

The Role of India

As a major outsourcing destination, India has successfully evolved with the changing needs of businesses. The National Association of Software & Service Companies (NASSCOM) has reported that the share of India in the global outsourcing market actually rose in 2009 to 2010, from 51% to 55% respectively.

India’s biggest competitor is the Philippines particularly in front of house outsourcing.

Despite competition from its neighbors and other parts of the world, the future of outsourcing in India still looks bright because of its high level of customer service and efficiency. By responding to the needs of customers for cost-effective solutions, skilled staff, quality of service, enhanced productivity, and excellence of business process, India has entrenched itself as a major outsourcing player in the global market.

The large and multi-skilled population is another factor to consider why front-end and back-end outsourcing growth is predicted to continue in the country.

Cost Savings Advantage

No matter how you look at it, cost savings will remain as one of the major advantages presented by outsourcing. The reduction of overall expenses through the payment of lower amount to offshore outsourcing partners made it possible to lower overhead.

As early as the late 1990s there were predictions that cost savings would no longer be seen as an advantage, yet, today, it remains as one of the moving factors that fuels the outsourcing industry. When we look at the financial problems faced by companies during the 2008 to 2009 economic crisis, we see that cost savings has even moved to the limelight. Until today, it remains as one of the reasons for the growth of outsourcing in India.

Focus on Core Activities

Aside from the cost savings, businesses today are turning to outsourcing even for their core business functions. This can be seen with many SMEs that find it difficult to maintain their own IT departments. The goal is not only to save money, but also to ensure high quality solutions through the use of skilled and experienced specialists from outsourcing partners.

This is one of the reasons why IT outsourcing in particular is on the rise in India. There is an abundance of highly qualified professionals that can achieve excellent results using their skills and resources through proven methodologies.

Standardized Solutions

The future of outsourcing in India will also be influenced by the standardization of outsourcing solutions. These types of solutions are more favorable to companies because they are more affordable compared to customized ones. Those who are looking to maximize their budgets can benefit from this through the acquisition of new customers and better business concepts.

In India, this has resulted in the adoption of non-strategic processes that has kept the costs down. The introduction of mass automation tools has resulted in more opportunities while reducing the staffing requirements needed to support business critical applications.

Supporting Smaller Projects

One important benefit that will remain for a good number of years would be the support of outsourcing for smaller projects. This will result in the emergence of smaller players ready to deliver flexible and specialized solutions that support new business concepts.

This means that outsourcing will no longer be confined to businesses, but can also be offered to individuals that are in need of support. This will help support smaller projects that are geared towards strengthening or resurrecting businesses that have been hit hard by failing economies. The surge in smaller services for first-time buyers will contribute to the growth of outsourcing in India.

Exponential Growth

How can exponential growth be achieved? One of the solutions that industry experts are looking at is the merger of outsourcing and Cloud solutions. This is seen as a way of delivering better opportunities for the entire industry. By taking advantage of the Cloud, more flexibility, cost savings, and scalability can be achieved.

The merger will also support the migration of existing services and infrastructure so that it can become Cloud enabled. This can pose a major advantage for smaller players in the outsourcing industry.

Indian Outsourcing Opportunities

To say that the growth of the outsourcing industry in India has been phenomenal would be an understatement. Compared to its neighbors, India remains as one of the favored destination in the global market by companies that are seeking knowledge-intensive services.

It would not be impossible to think that outsourcing may just be the biggest revenue generating industry in the country. Maximizing its pool of skilled workforce, India continues to strengthen its position in the outsourcing industry.

The country does not have problem delivering solutions for service that need advanced English capabilities like in the case of Content and Medicine or Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO). By continuing to excel in such fields it would not be impossible for India to become the global knowledge service hub in a couple of years.

What else plays to India’s advantage? It has a huge pool of English speaking lawyers who can extend their legal expertise in the form of patent services and legal support among others. Some companies in India that are affiliated with legal firms in the United States have successfully captured as significant part of the American legal market.

Another thing to consider in the growth of outsourcing in India is that many of the Fortune 500 companies have already established outsource partners in the country. IBM, TCS, and ACS are just a few examples. Pharmaceutical companies will also find able support in the field of manufacturing and clinical research. There is ample talent in the country to pursue high quality trials and data management that can provide the competitive edge for pharmaceuticals. Major Indian pharmaceutical companies have also started establishing ties with International pharmaceutical firms to manufacture specific compounds.

Infrastructure Management Services, which covers a wide number of management services for application operations, security and maintenance, and IT infrastructure can also be delivered by India. The country is also seen as evolving to a dominant player in the field of Engineering Research and Development. This will mean an expected influx of roughly $1.4 trillion come 2020.

With all of these considered, there is much hope and stability expected in the growth of outsourcing in India.

Franchising In India: Who Are India’s Top Franchisers?

Franchising is undoubtedly becoming the most successful business model around the world. India as one of the world’s largest and the fastest-growing emerging markets, it is ideal to sell franchises to their country. Especially when we are talking about foreign brands where the Indian masses are attracted giving opportunities to local businessmen to start their own business through franchising. Foreign brands such as such as McDonald’s and Pizza Hut has proven India’s tastes and needs through customization, it has met the India’s local preferences. These foreign brands found franchising is the best way to enter the geographically vast and culturally diverse Indian market which offers the most favorable franchising environment.

Franchising In India: Who Are India’s Top Franchisers?

Based on the Hindu Business Line news, Franchise India is helping employees from the IT and ITeS industry that are facing job threats giving opportunities in taking the entrepreneurial leap. Gaurav Marya, Chairman, Franchise India encourage all employees in the top four IT firms, especially those in the low-salary brackets, are already fatigued doing their jobs to try franchising their brands. Franchising laundry store such as Uclean became the best option as it’s only needs lower investment and manpower costs with a higher degree of automation making franchising motivating entrepreneurs keep doing it while they continue to work in their respective IT firms as they are uncertain about the future of their salaried jobs.

Franchising has a bright future in India, with changing lifestyles, growing income levels, demanding customers and the advent of modern retailing the franchise market is growing rapidly. The huge number of Indian population around the world greatly contributes to the recognition of foreign brands back to their country. The industries cited as the top prospects for successful franchise opportunities in India include food and beverage, education, apparel, entertainment, courier services, stationery and gift shops, health and beauty, fitness and nutrition. Outside India, when comparing franchise opportunities globally such as this one in Australia, study first very well if it’s the right brand for you.

The world’s largest and well-known franchise companies, such as UPS India, McDonald’s, Yum Brands, Baskin Robbins and Subway are already have visible presence in India and the other US brands are starting to shine. Franchising can have flaws as well. Every country has its own rules and regulations that you have to follow but sometimes it can’t be avoidable. When franchising in India, you have to consider its laws including the Contract Act of 1872 which governs contracts in India. A franchise agreement will be governed by the 1872 Act, and the Specific Relief Act, 1963, which provide for both specific enforcement of covenants in a contract and remedies in the form of damages for breach of contract.

The Future of Business Growth is India

Many western nations have this idea of India as some place that is overcrowded and not quite in step with the rest of the developed world; however, this assessment could not be further from the mark as India is likely to overtake China before too long as the largest economic power on Earth. Leveraging her immense population, her high standards of education, her vast natural resources, and the greatest resource of all, her citizenry, India is swiftly becoming the go-to place for business and business investments of all kinds. The groundswell of exponential entrepreneurial growth and business opportunities in India make it ideal for all industries to begin pursuing growth opportunities there, especially for tech savvy Australian companies. Working with India’s thriving industry sector is a winning digital strategy for marketing agencies in Australia.

Industry Growth

India’s leading hospitals, doctors, and dentists meet the standards of many industrialized and developed nations of the West. However, even though their capabilities are the same, the pricing is not. Treatments which can cost thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars in the United States or Europe cost much less in India. This has led to a surge in medical tourism where individuals from wealthy western nations travel to private doctors or hospitals in India to seek treatment, getting both the treatment they need and a vacation for less than the price of the treatment alone in Europe or the United States. This medical boom and industrial charge means experts are needed in digital marketing to help bring knowledge of these opportunities outside of India. This huge industry growth is leading to immense opportunities for Australian businesses with experience in digital marketing to help piggyback on this boom by providing high quality digital services to India’s tech industry.

Room for Growth

Even the supposedly negative issues in India are actually opportunities for businesses with the foresight, the decisive nature, and the entrepreneurialism to turn a negative into a positive. One of the cons of India’s large population is also its ineffectual ability to deal with its pollution, its garbage, and its other industrial wastes. However, environmentalists in India, private corporations and non-profits, and even the government are beginning to understand the importance of proper industrial waste management, recycling, and proper rubbish disposal techniques. For the right kind of advertising business, garbage can be big business with lots of room to grow. The ability to recycle materials in India at a fraction of the cost and then reselling them back to Europe or the United States is a huge potential business that not only can lower India’s pollution problem but can make the removal of pollution profitable for the industry that does it and the companies that market, advertise, and mainstream their services.

Favourable Business Laws

Currently there is no better time to be investing in India. Due to their legacy of having been a British colony for so many decades, many of the business laws in India are reflective of laws in Europe and the United States. With similar business laws, a large industrious population, and near unfettered access to resources, personnel, and foreign investment, the future is bright and shining for India and as its star is on the rise, prospective businesses and entrepreneurial investment groups can rise with it.

Business Of Working With One Billion People

The Business of Working with One Billion People: How are Things Kept in Order

People in the Western countries are used to FedEx and online delivery services that drop-ship items right at their doorstep. But in India, a century-old delivery service called the dabba wallahs, hand delivers hot meals to thousands of hungry Indians across the metropolis. One would wonder how are things kept in order by the dabba wallahs, especially that this vast network of dispatching things tends to get tricky as the demands and stops increase. You can click here to know more about the history of the dabba wallahs of India.

The Business of Working with One Billion People: How are Things Kept in Order

The dabba wallahs are a good example of working with one billion people. It is also interesting to understand how are things kept in order, given that the dabba wallahs are part of India’s “poorly educated and decentralised workforce.”

According to the Harvard Business Review, the dabba wallahs have a system whose backbone is perfectly positioned and mutually reinforcing. If one would correlate it with the Western corporate sector, it is rare for team members to do all they can to achieve that synergy.

The New York Times also observed how the dabba wallahs in Mumbai were able to intricately organise a labour-intensive operation “that puts some automated high-tech systems to shame.” And for over a hundred years, this tradition of delivering and eating home-cooked meals for lunch thrived.

The Dabba Wallahs as a Trusted Brand

If you are going to ask Neeraj Aggarwal, the Senior Director of Flipkart, the dabba wallahs are among the most dependable and trusted brands in the country. In fact, they are highly noted for their unique delivery network that has been tested by time to be smooth and reliable, and can withstand extreme conditions.

For those who are familiar with the movie ‘The Lunchbox’, it touches the dabba wallahs and how their system is fool proof. The secret to how are things kept in order is the structure and methodicalness of their process. According to Stefan Homke of the Harvard Business School, the system of the dabba wallahs is a “very complicated dance of many, many elements, including the railway system in Mumbai.” Truth be told, the railway assists the dabba wallahs in a number of ways. One of which is that the railway compels the whole network of lunch delivery couriers to run based on a rhythm.

Chiropractors in India: Ergonomics Introduced To Indian Businesses

Ergonomics is a term derived from two Greek words, “ergon,” meaning work, and “nomoi,” which means natural laws. It is the science that studies the relationship between work and human abilities, limitations and characteristics. Ergonomist are responsible for studying human capacity and its relativity to work demands.

Ergonomists, recently have attempted to explain postures which minimize excessive static work and reduce the forces acting on the body. An individual can considerably reduce risk of injury if they could adhere to some ergonomic principles. However, there is a serious challenge to conservative ergonomic thinking. A person must be a great observer of his or her own joint and muscle functions in order to put these into practice.

Ergonomics Introduced To Indian Businesses

SMEs or small and medium enterprises are almost always the leading pillar of an economy in India. That is why minor accidents, ergonomics snags, out-of-date machinery, and the absence of awareness have generated a necessity for carrying out safety practices. The influence of chiropractors from around the world produced fully ergonomic solutions.

Gopal Ramnayaran, an entrepreneur in India researched in America some ergonomic garden furniture. Hence, he returned home so intrigued and saw the potential for such market in India. He finally began manufacturing the first aluminum-based furniture in the country since 1965. That’s how Gopal Ramnayaran found Featherlite, now a leading furniture company in India.  Feartherlite’s 50 year journey started from aluminum chairs to ergonomic furniture.

Employees who spend a great time every day in the office. They tend to lose the distinction between home and office space. They would prefer office space designs that keep in mind the ergonomics. Industries are continuously changing their operating environment in terms of organization and culture.  Proper ergonomics will be of great help for an employee to avoid health hazards at work.

Dr. T Rajagonal, Vice-President of Uniliver, have teams observing for employees silently. Uniliver spent a lot of time and effort into educating employees on the right posture to implement at their work stations, among other things, for their own benefit. The correct posture on the appropriate chair with a desk at the right height and perfect computer screen position. The temperature and the right kind and amount of light, these are all critical factors.

Ergonomics is still a developing discipline in India.  There is the need to increase holistic ergonomic thinking in every work place. Good ergonomics can help, that is why a trained occupational health specialist should do a series of ergonomic assessments at the workplace.

High Humidity in India and Its Negative Effects

The common and abrupt effect of high humidity is personal discomfort. When it is too hot and humid, our bodies are less efficient at releasing heat which means we sweat. However, this may not deem too dangerous some people might say. But going to work wearing a suit and tie while one’s shirt sticks to your body, and constantly wiping drips of sweat off the forehead!


Dust mites also love humidity, and they’re one of the main nemeses for people who suffer from asthma and allergies. Needless to say, all sorts of bacteria can originate in spaces with comparatively high humidity. People who stay in households or offices that are hit by mold growth and mildew get more often get sick, and their overall health is a lot poorer.


How To Combat High Humidity in India and Its Negative Effects with Dehumidifiers:

Humidity levels in the city of Mumbai peaked, hitting 98% in the of south Mumbai and 80% in the suburbs. Experts says, peaked moisture levels have great potential to hold pollutants. Changes in temperature, precipitation, drought, storms and floods can have negative and positive effects. In Chandigarh, a doctor from PGI infers, made a recent analysis. According to him, the old age prescription of covering oneself with a towel and inhaling steam to fight common cold may no longer be valid.  Doctor Meenu Singh analysed and reviewed all worldwide trials conducted on steam inhalation. She concluded in her published work that the process has no effect and only works as a feel good factor!
With ‘global warming’ distressing the world India included, the necessity for office and factory dehumidifier is ever increasing in all areas affected by high humidity. The awareness has been a great challenge. A muggy environment is a breeding ground for all types of microscopic organisms that can be detrimental to your health. Mildew and mold spores flourish in it, and they can be highly toxic once they get into your body. If mold is evidently noticeable inside your home, you have a problem that requires instant attention.


Companies can decrease waste, increase productivity and enhance manufacturing yields by ensuring the correct humidity level with a dehumidifier. It is very important to invest in a high quality dehumidification device because standard systems for heating, air-conditioning or ventilation cannot deliver the desired conditions. By getting a dehumidifier, it is likely to solve these problems if not the very least alleviate them.

Indian Elderly Vulnerable To Selfish Younger Generations

The statistics are shocking: one in every three senior citizens in India is a victim of abuse. Why are the elderly being left in the cold by their families in a land that reveres the old? The scale of the problem in fact goes much deeper than teenage addiction to smart phones, Instagram and ‘selfie’ culture, that is not the worst of it.

Hundreds and thousands of elderly people are being dumped like unwanted house pets by uncaring family members who take their limited riches before throwing them out of their homes. A recent report by a voluntary organisation working for abandoned and needy elderly people, revealed some shocking statistics. According to the report, one in three senior citizens is a victim of abuse in India.

“Some of the abuses we found are as brutal as severe beating of elderly people by their own sons, daughters and daughters-in-law” states the report. It also says that in more than 50 per cent of abuse cases, the perpetrators are family members, with the son being the primary abuser in over 56 per cent of cases, followed by daughters in 23 per cent of cases. The most common reason for the abuse is property related.

Mathew Cherian, chief executive of Help Age India says, “Earlier, people lived with their children when they were too old to work, but society is no longer parent oriented and the rising trend we notice is that the elderly are moving out of their homes to places that cater to their needs. But there aren’t enough old-age homes in India to house all the abandoned elderly people”, he says.

More than half of India’s 1.1 billion population is younger than 25 and two-thirds is below the age of 35. The number of seniors is growing. By 2016, around 113 million people will be older than 60, and if the recent reports are any indication, a sizeable number of them will require an old-age home.

Stories about mistreatment of the elderly can be truly horrifying. A few years ago, there were reports in the Indian media about how police caught a man striking a deal with doctors and an organ-transplant broker to sell his unsuspecting father’s kidney, first taking him to hospital for a ‘check-up’ and then telling him he needed an operation. Doctors say such practices are commonplace.

According to an activist and charity worker, “All senior citizens we spoke to in Delhi said they had been verbally abused, while 33 per cent confided they had been physically abused – often beaten and tied to chairs.”

Elderly parents being abused and abandoned is not just an urban phenomenon. In rural India, the family system is eroding, with the younger generation increasingly heading off to cities with their spouses and their children to start a new life – without their parents or grandparents.

According to a 2016 survey, less than 40 per cent of Indians now live with extended family. While Delhi has the highest number of senior citizens who own property, over the years they become meek and dependent on their children. And that is generally when problems arise.

Those who have worked in government service or for a reputed private company receive pensions, but a large majority of India’s population still work as farmers or day labourers. Once they are too old to work, they are forced to rely on their children or extended family for support.

There is a government-backed pension programme for the poor called the Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme, which provides Rs200 a month to people over 60 who live below the poverty line, meaning they earn less than $1.25 (Dh4.59) per day. But the amount they receive is barely enough to get them food for a week. The government also approved a bill to increase the pension to Rs500 a month to those over the age of 80.

There are shelters for homeless elderly people run by charity organisations across India, but these shelters are usually packed to capacity.

In June 2012, the Delhi High Court issued an order to all court judges to give “special focus” to the cases involving senior citizens and ever since, courts in other cities are also taking similar steps.

Significantly, the bill states that a person would be disinherited if he or she fails to take care of their elderly parents. Local communities have welcomed the legislation but says it may have little practical effect. It is said that most parents are far too demoralised, destitute or frail to begin a battle to get a ruling. Also very few people want to wash their personal problems in public.

Disability Services in India Need Major Improvements

Men balanced on seesaw over a stack of coins

Providing access to disability services throughout India is an ethical imperative that the Government and Community leaders need to spend more time thinking about and being more proactive in fixing the most essential services as soon as possible.

Currently their are too few systems set in place for individuals with disabilities throughout all the major cities and towns. The outcome of this unfortunate situation is that by not giving more services that help disabled people, the country as a whole will further push these people into a more vulnerable situation, one in which they are unable most likely to every get out off.

Some of the major concerns that exist relate to wheelchair access into all new building constructed. If a student cannot access the school or university classroom most of the time this will cause the students to be rejected from education institutes. Another primary concern is to do with assisting people with learning disabilities.

If we can all join hands, increase government funding and work together as a team not only will these deserving members of our society end up with a better quality of life. They will also be more empowered and have more facility as individuals to go out into mother India and be productive workers that can also then give back to the community. Empowerment, facilitation and education make good people sense and  good business sense.