Recreational Fun Rejuvenates the Learning Mind

The world is changing. A lot of students are forced to dedicate most of their time to academics. Parents are advising their children to stay focused on their studies. And even in most schools, the main objective that almost every stakeholder advocate for is focused on studies.

However, no one seems to comprehend the importance of recreational activities in studies. The research revealed that recreational fun could revitalize the brains of learners. Thus, it recommended that students need to be given enough time to have recreational activities of their choice to leverage the boosting of their learning power.

What is recreation?

Recreation is the participation in activities that are carried out in leisure and are chosen voluntarily. People engage in activities such as the Archie Brothers’ Cirque Electriq for fun, creative enrichment, or simply satisfaction. In most cases, students are allowed to take part in recreational activities of their choice. Some schools have various games for anyone willing and still organize camping activities for students to enjoy certain sports outside their school.

These activities benefit students physically and emotionally. They are also great for social improvement and mental health. Here are several ways in which recreational fun can be good for learners.

Improved Quality of Life

If you prioritize recreation, your general life will improve. You will feel more satisfied with your life. You see, a particular report revealed that recreational activities help strike a balance between mental and physical health and academic pressures.

It is known to revitalize interpersonal skills, self-expression, and self-satisfaction ability. It also helps people get positive every day in their life. They become more prepared to deal with any challenges that may come their way.

Physical Health

There are so many perks linked to physical recreation activities. For instance, you can lower blood cholesterol levels in your body if you take part in recreational activities that are vigorous. Other perks include; improvement in body composition, advanced cardiovascular endurance, increased muscular strength, lowered fat percentages, and improved body flexibility.

Mental Health

Have you realized that mental health is very crucial for your general physical health? Well, you can tell if one of your friends is overwhelmed by stress, right? Sure, you can simply because someone who is stressed will tend to deteriorate in health. But the good news is that recreational activities can help manage stress levels.

It gives you a sense of balance and improved self-esteem. It can also reduce the levels of anxiety. Thus, if you are experiencing low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression, then you should try recreational activities.

Wrap up

Recreational fun is great for your health. You should take care of your learning power by making sure your stress, anxiety, self-esteem, and depression levels are under control. The best way to achieve that is by willingly taking part in recreational fun. This is ideal for all students out there. However, if you are not a student, you can still benefit from such activities. You can invite your friend and find an activity that suits you to spend your weekend or free time enriching your health.

A Rich History of Furniture in India


Furniture manufactured in India has garnered appreciation all over the world, but not many people are aware of the tradition and history of Indian furniture. India has a long and rich history as far as wooden furniture is concerned. Furniture making in India is heavily influenced by the country’s art and literature. Furniture making has been practiced in India since 1336 AD during the Vijayanagar Empire. The empires and the kings from southern India are the primary patrons. Furniture making was considered more of an art and trade. Craftsmen were held in high esteem by the royalty because they were able to preserve legends and folklore in wood. The conventional and standard furniture items can be found in ancient temples and modern buildings.

Most people sat, eat and slept on the floor because of the extreme climate of Rajasthan. In the early days only utilitarian furniture like low chairs and charpoys are used in palaces, temples or public houses. The conventional furniture we know today was developed from foreign influence. The Portuguese were the first European that came to India, they influence the domestic furniture making in the country. Indian carpenters were commissioned to produce copies of the furniture Portuguese used to at home. Indian furniture makers are precocious in adapting their foreign designs but they created a combination of eastern and western styles. Indians used the vast number of local tree species in manufacturing Portuguese designed furniture

Foreign culture continues to influence Indian furniture making as the British, French and Dutch commissioned the Indians to manufacture their own furniture designs. The amalgamation of European sensibilities and Indian craftsmanship was known as Anglo-Indian furniture. The foreign influences paved the way to Mughal style, Goanese, Indo-Dutch style and the use of ebony and ivory like the Chippendale and Sheraton. The English predominance in the 18th century resulted in English furniture styling and give teak the popularity in quality furniture. The ornamentation assumed primacy in the 19th century.

In the 20th century utility and simplicity gained primacy over art and ornamentation. Price consideration drove the ornamentation to the minimum as cheaper wood varieties were used to cater to the low cost demand. Antique and ornamental furniture were manufactured and exported to Western customers. Indian furniture makers still continue to be renowned to convert wood into great pieces of furniture. Locally found wood such as teak, sandal, mango and coconut are widely used in the manufacture of tables, chairs, entertainment units, bed, armoire and other decorative pieces.

The majority of modern Indian furniture today is made from Himalayan teak, acacia, rosewood and mango. Some furniture is recycled from old discarded furniture and crumbling traditional Indian mansions and palaces in the villages. The recovered pieces like old doors and panels are crafted to make new furniture. The luxury lifestyle furniture such as charpais (string beds) almaris (cupboards) jhulas (swings) ornamented master beds and old fashioned round tables with bloated legs are making a comeback in furniture stores lately.

Indian maintains its traditional way of using simple tools in the manufacturing process. Despite the rapid developments in information and technology, Indian furniture is still carved from traditional tools. Because of this the wooden furniture pieces retains its ethnicity. The traditional furniture making process made Indian furniture the symbol of durability and elegance.