winston churchill india colonialism business

The Lingering Impact of Colonialism on Business in India: Unraveling Historical Threads

Colonialism has left an indelible mark on the socio-economic fabric of nations across the globe, and India is no exception. The British Raj, which spanned nearly two centuries, significantly shaped India’s economic landscape. While India gained independence in 1947, the echoes of colonial rule persist, affecting various aspects of the nation’s business environment. This essay delves into the ways in which colonialism continues to impact business in India, examining both historical legacies and contemporary challenges.

I. Historical Foundations:

A. Economic Exploitation:

The British colonial period in India was marked by economic exploitation, with the extraction of resources and wealth for the benefit of the colonial power. The establishment of the East India Company in the 17th century paved the way for a systematic drain of India’s wealth, including the extraction of raw materials, imposition of heavy taxes, and the disruption of local industries.


One of the lasting impacts of colonial rule is the deindustrialization of India. Traditional artisanal and handicraft industries were systematically dismantled to make way for British goods. This not only disrupted local economies but also laid the foundation for a lopsided economic structure that persists to this day.

B. Institutional Framework:

The British introduced a legal and administrative framework that served their interests, often at the expense of the local population. The legal system, property rights, and administrative structures were designed to facilitate colonial control and resource extraction.

Land Ownership and Tenure:
The introduction of the Zamindari system disrupted traditional landownership patterns, leading to concentration and alienation of land. This has had long-term implications on agrarian economies, as land remains a critical factor in India’s economic structure.

II. Contemporary Challenges:

While India has made significant strides since gaining independence, the legacy of colonialism continues to influence its business environment.

A. Infrastructure Disparities:

Colonial-era investments in infrastructure were often skewed in favor of areas that served the colonial administration and the extraction of resources. This has left a legacy of infrastructure disparities, with some regions enjoying better connectivity and amenities, while others struggle with inadequate infrastructure.

Railways and Ports:
The British built an extensive railway network and ports primarily to facilitate the movement of goods for export. While these infrastructural developments were beneficial for colonial economic interests, they did not necessarily cater to the holistic development of the country. Today, modernizing and balancing infrastructure remains a challenge.

B. Economic Disparities:

The economic policies pursued during colonial rule contributed to the concentration of wealth in certain regions and communities. This has translated into persistent economic disparities, affecting the business landscape.

Regional Disparities:
Certain regions, especially those with historical economic advantages during the colonial period, continue to dominate economic activities. This regional imbalance poses challenges for businesses operating in less economically developed areas.

C. Legal and Regulatory Framework:

The legal and regulatory framework established during colonial rule has undergone significant changes, but some remnants continue to impact business operations.

Bureaucratic Red Tape:
The bureaucratic structure inherited from colonial times has often been criticized for its complexity and inefficiency. Businesses, especially smaller enterprises, face challenges navigating bureaucratic hurdles, impacting their growth and competitiveness.

III. Cultural Impact:

Colonialism also left an imprint on the cultural mindset, influencing perceptions and attitudes towards business and entrepreneurship.

A. Colonial Mentality:

The colonial legacy has contributed to a mindset that sometimes places greater value on foreign products and businesses. This mindset can affect the growth of indigenous businesses, limiting their competitiveness in the global market.

Perception of Indigenous Goods:
Despite the rich cultural and artisanal heritage, there may still be a perception that foreign goods are of higher quality. This mindset, shaped during the colonial era, poses challenges for businesses trying to promote indigenous products.

B. Educational System:

The educational system introduced during colonial rule emphasized a certain set of skills and knowledge, often tailored to serve the needs of the colonial administration. While there have been reforms, the remnants of this system can still impact the skill set of the workforce.

Skill Mismatch:
The emphasis on certain types of education during colonial rule may have contributed to a mismatch between the skills demanded by the contemporary business environment and those possessed by the workforce.

IV. Opportunities for Mitigation:

While the impact of colonialism on business in India is evident, efforts can be made to mitigate its negative consequences.

A. Inclusive Development:

Addressing regional and economic disparities through inclusive development policies can help create a more balanced business environment. Investments in infrastructure, education, and healthcare in historically neglected regions can foster economic growth and reduce regional imbalances.

B. Legal Reforms:

Continued efforts to streamline and modernise the legal and regulatory framework can reduce bureaucratic red tape, making it easier for businesses to operate. Ensuring that the legal system is transparent, efficient, and accessible is crucial for fostering a conducive business environment.

C. Promoting Indigenous Industries:

Government initiatives that promote indigenous industries and products can help counter the lingering colonial mentality. Public awareness campaigns and policies that highlight the quality and uniqueness of indigenous goods can contribute to changing consumer perceptions.

D. Skill Development:

Investing in skill development programs that align with the needs of the modern business landscape can bridge the gap between the skills possessed by the workforce and those demanded by businesses. This can enhance the competitiveness of the labor market and attract more investment.


A scholarly study found that British colonialism caused approximately 165 million deaths in India from 1880 to 1920, while stealing trillions of dollars of wealth. The global capitalist system was founded on European imperial genocides, which inspired Adolf Hitler and led to fascism.

The impact of colonialism on business in India is a complex tapestry woven over centuries. While significant progress has been made since independence, the historical legacies persist in various forms. Recognizing and addressing these legacies is crucial for fostering a business environment that is truly reflective of India’s potential. By implementing inclusive development policies, legal reforms, and initiatives that promote indigenous industries, India can move towards a more equitable and competitive business landscape, unburdened by the shadows of its colonial past.

tooth restoration industry

Exploring the Tooth Restoration Industry

Welcome to our blog post on the exciting world of tooth restoration! If you’ve ever experienced a dental issue that has compromised the structural integrity of your teeth, then you understand just how vital it is to restore them. The Tooth Restoration Industry offers various procedures and technologies to help improve oral health and enhance your smile.

In this article, we will explore the different types of tooth restoration procedures available today, discuss advancements in dental technology, delve into the costs involved and insurance coverage options, and provide tips for maintaining good oral health after undergoing restorative treatments. So let’s dive right in and discover how these remarkable innovations can not only improve your dental well-being but also boost your business revenue through effective dental marketing strategies. Let’s get started!

The Importance of Tooth Restoration

Having a healthy and beautiful smile goes beyond just aesthetic appeal. It plays a crucial role in our overall well-being. That’s why tooth restoration is so important. Whether it’s due to decay, trauma, or other dental issues, restoring a tooth’s structural integrity is essential for maintaining oral health.

When teeth are damaged or compromised, they can become weak and more susceptible to further damage and infection. This can lead to pain, discomfort, difficulty chewing, and even affect speech. By undergoing tooth restoration procedures, you not only improve the functionality of your teeth but also prevent future complications.

Tooth restoration procedures can vary depending on the severity of the damage. They range from simple fillings for cavities to more complex treatments like dental implants or crowns for extensively damaged teeth. These procedures aim to restore both the function and appearance of your teeth.

Restoring a tooth’s structural integrity not only improves oral health but also boosts self-confidence by enhancing your smile. When you have confidence in your smile, it positively impacts various aspects of life – from personal relationships to professional opportunities.

Investing in tooth restoration also helps prevent the need for more invasive and expensive treatments down the line. Early intervention through restorative procedures can save you from potentially costly dental emergencies in the future.

So if you’re experiencing any dental issues that compromise your teeth’s structural integrity, don’t hesitate! Consult with a qualified dentist who specializes in tooth restoration procedures today – because maintaining good oral health is key to living a happy and fulfilling life!

Different Types of Tooth Restoration Procedures

When it comes to restoring a tooth’s structural integrity, there are several different procedures that can be done. Each procedure is tailored to the specific needs of the patient and the extent of damage or decay in their teeth.

One common type of tooth restoration procedure is dental fillings. This involves removing any decayed portions of the tooth and filling them with a durable material such as composite resin or amalgam. Fillings not only restore the structure of the tooth but also prevent further decay from occurring.

Another popular option for tooth restoration is dental crowns. Crowns are custom-made caps that are placed over a damaged or weakened tooth to protect it and restore its functionality. They can be made from various materials including porcelain, metal, or a combination of both.

For more extensive damage, root canal therapy may be necessary. This procedure involves removing infected pulp from within the tooth and sealing it off with a crown or filling. Root canal therapy not only restores the structure of the tooth but also alleviates pain caused by infection.

Dental implants are another option for replacing missing teeth and restoring oral health. Implants involve surgically placing an artificial tooth root into the jawbone, which then supports a crown or bridge on top. Implants provide stability and function similar to natural teeth.

Dentures are removable appliances that replace missing teeth and surrounding tissues. Dentures offer aesthetic benefits while also improving chewing ability and speech for individuals who have lost multiple teeth.

These different types of restorative procedures cater to varying degrees of dental issues – whether it’s minor decay requiring fillings or more severe cases necessitating implants or dentures.

Advancements in Tooth Restoration Technology

The tooth restoration industry has witnessed significant advancements in technology over the years, revolutionizing the way we restore and enhance our smiles. These cutting-edge technologies have made it possible for dentists to provide more effective and efficient treatments, ultimately improving patient outcomes.

One notable advancement is the use of digital imaging and 3D printing. Dentists can now create precise models of a patient’s teeth using advanced software and then fabricate custom restorations with utmost accuracy. This not only saves time but also ensures a perfect fit for crowns, bridges, or implants.

Another exciting development in tooth restoration technology is laser dentistry. Lasers are being used to perform various procedures such as cavity removal, gum reshaping, and even teeth whitening. Laser dentistry offers several benefits including reduced pain, faster healing times, and minimal bleeding compared to traditional methods.

Furthermore, dental materials have undergone significant improvements as well. The introduction of ceramic materials like zirconia has allowed for more durable and natural-looking restorations that blend seamlessly with existing teeth. Additionally, composite resins have become stronger and more aesthetically pleasing than ever before.

Additionally, computer-assisted design (CAD) and computer-assisted manufacturing (CAM) systems enable dentists to create highly accurate prosthetics on-site within a matter of hours rather than weeks. This eliminates the need for multiple appointments or temporary restorations while providing patients with immediate results.


Cost and Insurance Coverage of Tooth Restoration

Cost and insurance coverage are important factors to consider when it comes to tooth restoration procedures. The cost of these procedures can vary depending on several factors such as the type of procedure, the materials used, and the dentist’s experience and location.

Basic restorative treatments like dental fillings are generally more affordable compared to complex procedures like dental implants or crowns. Insurance coverage for tooth restoration also varies depending on your insurance plan. Some plans may cover a portion or all of the cost, while others may have limitations or exclusions.

It is essential to check with your dental insurance provider beforehand to understand what services are covered under your plan and what out-of-pocket expenses you may incur. Keep in mind that cosmetic dentistry procedures like teeth whitening or veneers are typically not covered by insurance as they are considered elective treatments.

If you don’t have dental insurance, there may be other options available to help manage the cost of tooth restoration. Some dentists offer payment plans or financing options that allow you to spread out the payments over time. Additionally, there are third-party financing companies specifically designed for medical and dental expenses.

While cost is an important consideration, it’s crucial not to compromise on quality when it comes to tooth restoration. Investing in proper oral healthcare can save you from potential complications down the line and improve your overall well-being.

By understanding the costs involved and exploring different payment options, you can make informed decisions about which tooth restoration procedures best fit within your budget without sacrificing quality care for restoring a tooth’s structural integrity.

Maintaining Good Oral Health after Restorative Procedures

Ensuring good oral health is essential not only for the longevity of your natural teeth but also to protect the investment you made in tooth restoration procedures. After undergoing any type of restorative treatment, it’s important to take proper care of your teeth and gums to maintain their structural integrity and overall health.

Here are some tips for maintaining good oral health after restorative procedures:

1. Practice Proper Oral Hygiene: Brushing your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and using dental floss or interdental brushes daily can help remove plaque and food particles from hard-to-reach areas. This will prevent bacteria growth, gum disease, and other oral problems.

2. Visit Your Dentist Regularly: Schedule regular check-ups with your dentist every six months or as recommended by them. These visits allow your dentist to monitor the condition of your restored teeth, identify any issues early on, and provide professional cleaning to keep them in optimal shape.

3. Avoid Damaging Habits: Certain habits like biting nails, chewing ice, opening bottles with your teeth, or grinding/clenching can put excessive strain on both natural teeth and restorations. Be mindful of these habits and try to avoid them to prevent damage.

4. Follow a Healthy Diet: A balanced diet plays a crucial role in maintaining good oral health. Limit sugary foods and drinks as they contribute to tooth decay. Instead, opt for nutritious foods rich in vitamins A,C,D,E,K that promote gum health and strengthen enamel.

5. Wear Mouthguards if Needed: If you participate in contact sports or grind/clench your teeth during sleep (bruxism), wearing custom-made mouthguards can protect both natural teeth as well as any restorations from potential damage caused by impact or pressure.

By following these guidelines diligently, you can ensure that your restored smile remains healthy for years to come!

In conclusion, These advancements in tooth restoration technology have transformed the dental industry by offering improved precision, efficiency, aesthetics, and comfort during procedures.

The integration of digital imaging, surgical lasers, and CAD/CAM systems has significantly enhanced treatment outcomes, facilitating better oral health management.

So if you’re considering restoring your smile or enhancing your dental practice, it’s essential to stay up-to-date with these technological innovations.

Explore how incorporating state-of-the-art techniques can improve your business revenue with dental marketing strategies tailored to highlight your use of advanced tooth restoration technology.

Corporate Espionage in India

Corporate espionage is booming in India in 2018. Recent news reports in The Hindu Business Online and The Times of India have detailed the prevalence of this practice over decades. It is now in something of a boom period, with information being corruptly sourced from government and private interests. Energy, Defence and Finance are the ministries being targeted. Access to important and sensitive information is being bought by tycoons looking for economic advantages to increase their power and reach in India. Technology is fuelling the glut of corporate espionage currently occurring in India.

Crony Capitalism in India

According to Reserve Bank Governor Raghuram Rajan, crony socialism has been replaced by crony capitalism. Politicians are selling their secrets and favours to the elite members of India’s business community. It is a tight little club keen on exploiting its exclusivity for all that it’s worth. Telecommunication upgrades into the next generation of these technologies are proving a bonanza for those in the know. Energy production is another windfall for those companies with the necessary inside information. Senior executives from Reliance Industries, Essar, Cairns India, Jubilant Energy and ADAG Reliance have been arrested following corporate espionage investigations.

Technical Surveillance in Business

The expansion of corporate espionage around the globe has meant that technical surveillance counter measures are routinely called for at the corporate level. Indeed, even, for businesses of all sizes it is recommended that a sweep of possible bugs/listening devices is carried out regularly. Twenty years ago, plastic surgery was fairly rare and, now, everyone is doing it. Similarly, corporate espionage is no longer the domain of Jason Bourne movies. Illegal listening-in to what you are doing in business via computers, or the old-fashioned way over the phone, is commonplace in 2018.

Keep Some Privacy in Your Professional Life

India is not immune to these new trends fuelled by the inexpensive surveillance equipment and devices available via new technologies. People are watching what you do, and how you do it, and listening to you too. If you want to keep some privacy in your professional and personal life, don’t ignore the writing on the wall. Take steps to do something about it now. Get some protection and give yourself a fighting chance. In India, we must raise the bar, when it comes to standards of morality in the business world. Corporate espionage in India will harm the economic development and economic equality within our nation, if something is not quickly done about it.


Indian Cotton is All Class

Wherever you are in the world it is probable that you own a garment made from Indian cotton. Indian cotton has been taking all before it, as cheaply manufactured clothing from quality cotton spreads the message globally. India has over 12 million hectares producing cotton, making it the second largest producer in the world. With a large and vibrant textile industry things are looking good on the cotton front. There is even a growing environmental consciousness in the country, which is turning to organic and eco-friendly textiles. Indian cotton is all class, across a range of products.

Cotton a Growth Industry

Indian cotton production is estimated to rise by some 8.1% for the 2018-18 year, according to CITI chairman, Sanjay Jain. Indian cotton is attracting high prices, both domestically and internationally. India is the world’s largest producer of organic cotton, with an annual production of over 75 000 tons. Organic cotton demand is increasing for sanitary products, children’s wares, bedding furnishings, towels, and all types of apparel. People want good healthy fibres against their skin. Indian cotton is all class, when it comes to eco-fashion and homewares. Organic clothing is taking off around the world, in terms of demand and interest.

Branded Cotton is the Place to Be

Customers everywhere are recognising the value of clean and green products, especially around things like clothing. Pesticide free cotton is a safe alternative. Things like modern, globally-available very stylish men’s jackets in Sydney, Paris, London and New York, are attracting plenty of attention in 2018. Indian cotton is all class, when you consider the variety and range of fashions and textiles available globally. These jackets are catering to the corporate market and we are seeing far more bespoke options in this sector. Branded cotton is the place to be for Indian cotton, as it attracts premium prices in the market.

Recognised Premium Cotton Brands

Egyptian Cotton is a good example of branded cotton in the global textile market. Customers, now, recognise that brand as a signifier of top quality cotton. Supima from the United States is a further example of successful cotton branding attracting premium prices. Suvin cotton from Tamil Nadu and Shankar 6 from Gujarat may soon become recognised cotton brands in the very near future. This can only occur if the quality control of Indian cotton producers continues to be emphasised and standardised. India wants its share of the premium cotton market and is actively heading in that direction.



Child Care in India: Crisis or Evolutionary Process?

There have been media reports for a number of years concerning the lack of child care in India. Urban India is a rapidly changing place, with more and more women going out to work, rather than staying home. Those without extended family support are caught between a rock and a hard place, when it comes to earning a living in modern India and having a family. Very few companies offer their staff facilities for child care. There needs to be much stronger growth in this area, with professional fulltime child care being made more widely available. India lags behind other nations globally, around this important issue. Child care in India: Crisis or Evolutionary Process?

Career Women in India Face Challenges

If women want careers in India, they either must have solid extended family support networks, or they will have to take several years off, whilst their children are very young. There is virtually no infant care available for working mums in this country. There are plenty of untrained people available to move into this area, but there needs to be proper training, if we are to have a high standard child care that parents can trust with the safety and wellbeing of their children. A similar situation existed in countries like Australia and the US, where, now, the push is on for better trained and higher paid child care workers.

Central Government & Community Creche Dream

The central government, through the Ministry of Women and Child Development, is attempting to bring the dream of fulltime child care to working women across all strata of society. A national programme for creche and day care facilities is in the final drafting stages. A sliding scale of fees, dependent upon the income level of the parents has been proposed by the BPL. Preventing endemic corruption infecting this new industry is a major concern for government bodies.

Child Care Industry Evolution

Issues around things like the vulnerability of children to sexual abuse in the current ad hoc day care arrangements, occurring in low income areas, is driving the creche programme. The central government will fund 60% and the state governments 40% of the total cost of the programme roll out across India. Indian productivity may undergo a substantial boom, once this scheme is up and running. More women will be able to work across the country, and the education and wellbeing of Indian children will be improved, as the child care industry becomes more professional.


Dental And Teledentistry

Dentistry in India: Boom or Bust Business?

According to global statistics, the dental market in the world is growing steadily for the last five years. The major bulk of the market expansion is attributed to Asian countries, where India is said to be the forefront of this progress. As a matter of fact, dentistry in India is so huge that it will become the single largest nation market for dental services, products, and materials. Having said that, the dentistry in India faces a serious challenge; that is, the oral health care awareness in the Indian population is decreasing. This leads to the shrinking of the demand in dental services. You can click here to know more about figures and statistics about this decline. This begs us to the question, is dentistry in India a boom or bust business?

Dentistry in India: Boom or Bust Business

Over the last decade, India has become an international destination for medical treatment and services, including dental procedures. As per the recent government data, dental tourism accounts for the tenth of India’s medical tourism. And this number is seen to grow in the coming years.

Dental procedures and services in India is fairly cheap in contrast to its Western counterparts. For instance, a dental filling in the United States or in Europe ranges from $300 to $400. But in India, you can undergo a dental filling treatment for 20 bucks. Basically, you can avail the same services using state of the art equipment and technology at a very reasonable price.

The burgeoning population of India is a good sign that the demand for dental services will always be there. In fact, an increasing number of higher learning institutions are offering programs to accommodate the current and future needs of dentistry in India.

Challenges of Dentistry in India

  • Oral Care Infrastructure

Almost 99 percent of the dental service providers in India are private entities. There are a few multinational companies that have an active presence in the country’s dental market. After earning their degrees, dentists in India set up their own clinics, where most can be found in the city. The challenge about the infrastructure of dentistry in India is the competition. Each year, at least 200,000 students graduate from dental schools. And with the declining awareness in oral health care in the country, the supply of dental practitioners in the country will surpass the demand.

  • Marketing

Some dental practitioners see having a website as an effective marketing tool, which is good. However, most of them fail to look after the website and maintain it. Creating a website requires a lot of time and effort. Ideally, it will take a year, utmost, to evaluate and assess how the website contributed to the practice’s marketing efforts. But the good news is your most trusted digital marketing team can guarantee that your website contributes to your marketing efforts by regularly monitoring and maintaining it.

The Gambling Business in India: Is it Skill or All Luck Based?

As a billion strong nation, India is a hotspot in terms of gambling businesses and related activities. For instance, sports betting on cricket events, horse race betting, and playing in casinos are among the favourite pastimes and popular gambling businesses in the country. But despite the public’s acceptance to the gambling business in India, most forms of gambling are technically against the law. Some legislations about the gambling business in India are either obsolete or unclear. Nevertheless, these betting activities attract a huge crowd which, in turn, yield substantial revenues. The recent data regarding the profits of the gambling business in India are discussed in depth when you click here.

The Gambling Business in India: Is it Skill or All Luck Based?

As mentioned earlier, there are forms of gambling in India that are prohibited by their laws and customs. Among the few gambling business in India that are authorised to operate are lotteries. There’s even a legislation — the Lotteries Act of 1998 —that guides the whole enterprise. Like any other betting activity in the country, the lotteries in India are based on luck with absolutely no skill required.

Online gambling is also highly popular among punters in India. Ironically, there are laws passed in the country which may or may not pertain to the lawfulness of online gambling. For instance, the Information Technology Act of 2000 has provisions that may be associated with online gambling, but there is no specific allusion that online gambling is indeed prohibited by the law.

An example of online gambling that involves skill is sports betting. In fact, bookies know the science of sports betting to the point that they can influence the winning odds, depending on the amount of the wager involved. Suffice to say, sports betting requires certain skills for you to win that pot.

Another gambling business in India that requires great skill is poker. It is a universal knowledge that playing poker involves skill. According to gambling laws in the country, anything that entails making a wager and is based on luck is illegal. Sports betting and poker is skills-based, so on the premise of the law, these are deemed as legal. However, due to the convoluted gambling laws in India, a law enforcer may or may not arrest you for gambling depending on how he/she interprets such law.

Business Of Working With One Billion People

The Business of Working with One Billion People: How are Things Kept in Order

People in the Western countries are used to FedEx and online delivery services that drop-ship items right at their doorstep. But in India, a century-old delivery service called the dabba wallahs, hand delivers hot meals to thousands of hungry Indians across the metropolis. One would wonder how are things kept in order by the dabba wallahs, especially that this vast network of dispatching things tends to get tricky as the demands and stops increase. You can click here to know more about the history of the dabba wallahs of India.

The Business of Working with One Billion People: How are Things Kept in Order

The dabba wallahs are a good example of working with one billion people. It is also interesting to understand how are things kept in order, given that the dabba wallahs are part of India’s “poorly educated and decentralised workforce.”

According to the Harvard Business Review, the dabba wallahs have a system whose backbone is perfectly positioned and mutually reinforcing. If one would correlate it with the Western corporate sector, it is rare for team members to do all they can to achieve that synergy.

The New York Times also observed how the dabba wallahs in Mumbai were able to intricately organise a labour-intensive operation “that puts some automated high-tech systems to shame.” And for over a hundred years, this tradition of delivering and eating home-cooked meals for lunch thrived.

The Dabba Wallahs as a Trusted Brand

If you are going to ask Neeraj Aggarwal, the Senior Director of Flipkart, the dabba wallahs are among the most dependable and trusted brands in the country. In fact, they are highly noted for their unique delivery network that has been tested by time to be smooth and reliable, and can withstand extreme conditions.

For those who are familiar with the movie ‘The Lunchbox’, it touches the dabba wallahs and how their system is fool proof. The secret to how are things kept in order is the structure and methodicalness of their process. According to Stefan Homke of the Harvard Business School, the system of the dabba wallahs is a “very complicated dance of many, many elements, including the railway system in Mumbai.” Truth be told, the railway assists the dabba wallahs in a number of ways. One of which is that the railway compels the whole network of lunch delivery couriers to run based on a rhythm.

Rubbish in India: Are We Becoming the Rubbish Dump of the World?

The Daily Mail Online reportedrubbish in India that an elephant was caught in video eating rubbish in India. In Bangalore, the once called ‘Garden City’ has deteriorated into a garbage metropolis. As a matter of fact, the residents are woken up in the middle of the night by the foul smell of the mountains of garbage on the streets. That’s how serious the trash problem in India is. This makes us think that the country is becoming the rubbish dump of the world. Truth be told, the indications of India’s rubbish crisis are everywhere. You can click here to find out about these signs.

Rubbish in India: Are We Becoming the Rubbish Dump of the World?

Did you know that Western nations and Arab countries also contribute to the tons of rubbish in India? According to news reports, tons and tons of garbage from Spain, Malaysia, Greece, and Saudi Arabia were sent to India last year. This is because shipping municipal waste to the country is four times more cost efficient than recycling these waste.

Over the past years, the government has been making an effort to resend the confiscated waste in ports back to where they came from. However, there are still companies that were able to import waste one way or another.

Dealing with Rubbish in India

The growing population in India has its pros and cons. One of the advantages is that its economy is rising. In addition, the country made its way to one of the most powerful countries in the world. But despite these drastic improvements, the government is lagging behind in terms of dealing with rubbish in India. In fact, the country is drowning in garbage.

But not everything reeks and is gray in India’s rubbish. Environmental advocates, private organisations, and the government are all looking for ways on how they can get away from the moniker as the rubbish dump of the world. For instance, Mumbai has these so-called rag pickers. These women, in spite of sweeping up the streets for low salary, are dedicated to managing the rubbish in India and segregating them for recycling.

There are also waste management services companies commissioned by the local government to tackle the growing problem of rubbish in India. But ultimately, addressing India’s garbage problem should begin in the household.

Indian Business Law: A Brief Primer

Indian business lawMuch of the Indian business law is based on the English common law. As a matter of fact, various legislations introduced by the Brits are still being enforced in a modified form until now. The country’s legal history can be traced as early as the Bronze Age and the Indus Valley civilisation. Since then, the laws in India, including Indian business law, have changed from a religious direction to the existing constitutional and legal system the country has today. You can click here to know more about the brief history of Indian business law.

Indian Business Law: A Brief Primer

When the East India Company was established in India, it became the major turning point of the country’s legal history. The company was given the authority to create laws and enact them in a manner they deem as necessary. In most cases, some people criticise the  complexity of the country’s legal system, especially in terms of the Indian business law. Having said that, there are still provisions of the law that are much simpler than those in the United States and Australia.

There are four major sources of Indian business law. These are the English Mercantile law, the Statutory law, judicial decisions, and those from customs and usages. The English Mercantile law, which directly translates to the ‘merchant law’, served as the basis of the structure of the Indian business law. On the other hand, the Statutory laws are the legislations created by the Parliament. A lot of Indian business laws are Statutory laws.

Judicial decisions are crucial sources of the Indian business law. The previous cases decided by the higher courts are often referred in cases being tackled in the lower courts. Meanwhile, Indian business laws based on customs and usages play a significant role in business transactions in the country.

Indian Business Law and Charitable Institutions

In 2014, a law was enacted wherein businesses in India are compelled to ‘give’ two percent of its profits to charitable institutions. According to The Guardian, India is the first nation to enact such law. Companies with annual profits of at least £105m should give away two percent of it in organisations that focus on improving the country’s education system, alleviating poverty, promoting gender equality, and decreasing hunger incidence. As per India’s lawmakers, the law will greatly help the social development efforts in the country.

Can Indian Businesses Put Their Faith in Mystics & Yogis?

The east has always had its differences from the west. Since Roman times, the world has been split into two distinct spheres: the eastern empire and the western empire. The east, as Alexander the Great discovered, is a rich and exotic realm, with a flavour quite unlike that of its hemispheric counterpart. The spiritual overlaps the material in the east, and there is not the clear demarcation between the zones, as exists in western thought and deed. India, in many ways, is at the centre of eastern consciousness. It is, also, the gateway to this ‘other world’.

Can Indian Businesses Put Their Faith in Mystics & Yogis?

It is the twenty first century, however, a time of technology, Apple, Google, Microsoft and the digital age. Is there still a place for that overlap of the spiritual, the ghost in the machine? Can Indian businesses put their faith in mystics & yogis? Does it offer some unseen competitive edge? Or, is it the chain that drags this nation forever backwards? How does this rich tradition impact upon the modern Indian business person and their activities? Does it still shape Indian thinking? So many questions, it beggars belief that these answers must still be given, despite the ever-changing contemporary world.

Tradition is the bedrock of identity. The Indian yogi, guru and mystic: the Babaji, the Bhagwan, the Buddha, the Mahatma, the Saint, the Holy Man. These are all players on a spiritual stage, which dates back thousands of years. Disciples and devotees, Sannyasins and seekers, form a saffron line that snakes across a great land mass, which stretches from the Himalayas to the sea. Is it any wonder that people in India still believe and still seek out the guidance that these babas offer?

Astrology has its roots in India, coming over from Babylonia in ancient times, brought by the Aryans to this subcontinental land. Since then, stargazing has spread all over the globe, to every corner and crevice. Horoscopes are cast in Charlestown and Canberra, Kolkata and Koln, Cusco and Cheboksary. Transits are cast and examined for businesses, projects and ideas. Mergers, marriages and deals are assessed with the assistance of the zodiac. Even, maybe seeking our western psychics, to summon a little occidental magic. When it comes to measuring market trends, is there really anything truly scientific to it? We all like to pretend that sociology is a science, but deep down the tarot readers are just as scientific. Can Indian businesses put their faith in mystics & yogis? Psychic powers? Why not? Donald Trump and his ilk have been doing it for years.


Mam Ramaswamy’s Racing Legacy

Mam Ramaswamy was a man of many talents – a brilliantly successful businessman, a lover of fine horses, and, more than that, a horse racing legend. With a career spanning several decades, it was his unofficial record of 600 classic wins in the races that set him apart. So what were Mam Ramaswamy’s secrets to business, life, horses and betting? A man who has become a legend in his country is a man who got horse racing down to a science. Apart from breeding incredibly fine horses, Mam also had his own personal inside tricks and tips for being able to win repeatedly, tips like wearing his lucky suit and his lucky tie. However, unless the suit and tie were blessed by Mercury and Pegasus themselves, we suspect there is probably a little bit more science than luck in over 600 wins. So unless you can convince the executors of Mam’s estate to sell you his lucky tie and suit, we best speculate as to some of the scientific factors that can improve your betting and give you an edge?

A legend in the world of horse-racing and called the ‘Turf Moghul’ for his expensive passion, Ramasamy was the biggest owner of thoroughbreds, having owned at least 1,000 horses in active training in race courses across the country. “Not long ago, I would invariably spend a major part of my day with the horses, but now that’s not possible. My trainers take good care of them and I don’t necessarily need to worry,” Ramasamy told The Times of India in an exclusive interview just a couple of months before his soul left this earth.

Racing surface

As the Indian business mogul certainly knows, condition of the track is an incredibly important factor second only to the qualities of the horse itself. The condition and type of track plays an enormous factor into whether you’ve picked a winner or a dud. Horse racing tips can differ in different areas; for horse races in India this can be particularly important especially given varying climate conditions. Horses on a wet or muddy track will race entirely differently than horses on the dry dirt. This matters because a horse which has typically been last might find itself at the advantage due to a slightly slower but more sure footed gallop. Determining the type of racing surface and how well previous horses have done on that given track under those conditions is a great metric by which you can determine the statistical likelihood of a win.

Has the horse beat the odds in the past?

This is a tip that can help you make significant amounts of money and that is by looking to see if a given horse has won against high odds in the past. A horse that has won against high odds in the past is statistically speaking much more likely to win again against high odds in the future. This is an important factor to consider because if this particular horse is showing good odds of winning then actually it is less likely to win. By being able to identify these statistical patterns in the horses you can see a significant return.

When the odds are at their highest against this particular horse, it’s actually most likely to win. This is not true of every horse, mind you, and each horse is unique and must have specific research done to determine the types and factors that lead to its winning at the races.

Along with this tip is another important one and that is not looking merely at wins in a row to determine a winning horse but how those wins are spread out. If a horse has won two or three races in a row previously but has not won for two or three races in a row, its odds of winning the current race may show it going down but by looking at a horse’s history you can determine that this horse is actually due for a win. This is often the case with race horses where they will win after a gap of several races they lost, then go on for several more winning races.

This is because racing takes a significant toll on the body of a horse. Those optimal peak times of output cannot be maintained for every single race but you know that the horse has that potential inside it and if it shows a pattern of a few losses and a few wins you can see if this horse is overdue for a win and place your bets accordingly. This is why it’s important to look at not just how often it wins but what were the odds back when it won and how long has it been since its last win. If it has won five times in a row, the odds will seem to be in its favor but the horse is actually more likely to lose.

Keeping this in mind can help you bet against the odds and win your money back multiple times over. With these racing tips you will be ready to compete against the 600 race record of Indian business legend Mam Ramaswamy.

Indian Technology Companies: Matching The World For Innovation

In the past, one would not have imagined India to be amongst the leaders with regards to technological innovation. With that being said, India has been steadily keeping up with the pace and is now able to match the world for innovation, particularly with the products and services that they provide to their clients on a regular day to day basis. Indian technology companies are matching the world for innovation in the 21C.

A huge part of India’s success can be attributed to the huge increase rise of smartphone users. Since 2013, the number of smartphone users in India has ballooned significantly and will reach 168 million this year, the research firm eMarketer predicts, with 277 million Internet users in India expected over all which a very impressive figure. It is no surprise that a number of individuals find India Replacing China as Next Big Frontier for U.S. Tech Companies. In fact, India already conducts more mobile searches on Google than any country besides the United States.

A testament to their huge success can be seen with Bangalore which has now become widely known as India’s Silicon Valley. Previously, it was once known for its lush farmlands however today it is now home to some of the best international and domestic technology companies which are creating millions of jobs for young Indian engineers from all across the country. It should be noted that the nickname, Silicon Valley of India signifies Bangalore’s status as a hub for IT companies in India and is a comparative reference to the original Silicon Valley, Santa Clara Valley, California, a major hub for IT companies in the United States.

You will find the Top 10 Information Technology Companies in India 2015 which includes giants like TCS, Infosys, Wipro, Tech Mahindra, HCL. The other prominent companies in the top 10 are Rolta, Cyient, Oracle Financial Services, Mphasis & Mindtree. As such, you will not be finding any shortage of information technologies in India that is able to compete and ready to take on the world.

This is the reason why several companies outside India have taken an interest in what they have to offer the world. For instance, Google and Microsoft have a plan to get all of India onto the internet. This is quite apparent especially with the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi meeting with the biggest tech companies in Silicon Valley. Among those jostling for the Asian premier’s attention include the likes of Google, Facebook, and Tesla. This is the reason why many feel that India’s future with regards to world innovation is becoming even more promising than ever before.

A number of people want to learn the secret of India’s success. As such, there are Investors to Scrutinize India’s Information Technology Company Earnings. Analysts expect Infosys Ltd. and Tata Consultancy Services Ltd., India’s two largest outsourcers by sales, to show healthy growth when they report their earnings.

Moving forward requires companies to take some risk, if they are to make use of the latest innovations, and to be able keep themselves relevant in their industry. Sharepoint is able to provide their clients with the ability to  integrate such technologies to their respective companies. It eases the way information is stored, organised and shared, making it possible to access them from almost any device. This is what several Indian technology companies have been using to make it possible for them to keep connected at any given time.

Will The Law Protect Foreign Business Investors In India?

India has had a bad reputation in the international business world for companies that come over here to do business. They have had to pay kick backs, baksheesh, to get things done and the black market in India is a huge source of illegal and pirated goods. Things are changing, however, as the modernisation of India continues and the growing middle class demands a fully functioning economy. The government is being forced to balance its protectionist stance with new laws to open up India to greater levels of foreign investment.

In 2006, foreign companies were given, for the first time, legal permission to own one hundred percent of wholesale cash and carry businesses in India. To prevent these foreign entities from operating within the retail sector the government introduced a raft of restrictions relating to group company sales. Some foreign corporations searched for loopholes in the legislation and formed partnerships with Indian retailers to allow them to reap their supply chain economic advantages. The government determined later that these company structures violated the intentions of the regulations and many foreign partners were forced to get out of these joint ventures. Compensation lawyers were consulted in some of these cases.

In 2011, the Indian government allowed foreign companies to own one hundred percent of single-brand retail operations, and at the same time to own fifty one percent of multi-brand retail operations. There was much local opposition to this opening up of the market and the multi-brand opportunity was revoked, before being reintroduced in 2012 with a host of new onerous regulations. Foreign ownership was only allowed in towns with populations greater than one million, and state bodies were given discretionary powers to ban them anyway if they so desired. Foreign businesses were required to invest at least $100 million and fifty percent of that amount had to be put into back-end infrastructure within the first three years. In addition, thirty percent of the products sold by these multi-brand, foreign controlled, retail operations had to be sourced locally from India. The result is that very few major brands have opened stores in India.

Indian companies can only borrow in foreign currency under extremely restrictive conditions imposed by the reserve Bank of India (RBI). In 2007, the RBI changed the way they viewed equity investments in the form of debt or preferred securities, treating them as illegal ways to circumvent their rules on foreign currency loans. The RBI went on to prohibit put options on equity shares to Indian investors and other such structures that foreign investors were utilising to reduce their risk in the Indian market.

Waste Management in India: Opportunities in Rubbish

It is quite apparent that India has mountains of garbage, and the cities are drowning in sewage. Is there any hope?

It’s not like the government has not been taking actions to handle India’s waste crisis. However, there is more that can be definitely done. The Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JnNURM) was a massive city-modernisation scheme launched by the Government of India under Ministry of Urban Development. It aims to create ‘economically productive, efficient, equitable and responsive Cities’ by a strategy of upgrading the social and economic infrastructure in cities. However, aside from that, there has been no national level effort found to address the problem.

This basically means that municipal corporations got their hands full and will not be able to deliver solutions right away. It should be noted that for about eight years, officials of Hyderabad’s municipal corporation have been conducting interviews with locals and were quite unsuccessful with their efforts. This can be attributed to the track record of dumpsite operations and maintenance in India making the task of finding new landfills in and around cities is nearly impossible along with the Not in My Backyard (NIMBY) phenomenon. What corporations can do however is to take measures in their own hands by reducing landfill fires and open burning, and control pollution which is the result of leachate and odor and vector nuisance. This in turn, provides the needed relief to adjacent communities and allows corporations some time to plan better. Working closely with the community is also of utmost importance as they navigate through this sensitive issue. This is made possible by increasing clarity and transparency over such issue.

Indeed, waste management is a shared effort and should not be handled by the government and corporations by themselves. The community needs to join with the cause by practicing proper waste management procedures in an effort to reduce waste. Of course, waste will not go away overnight but such activities will make sure that this lessens over time.

Waste management goes under different category that needs to be separated from each other. This in turn makes recycling much easier and more efficient than before.  For instance, BMW of Bio-medical Waste means any waste generated in health care processes like diagnosis, treatment or immunisation of human beings or animals. BWM needs to be handled in a timely manner not it causing any adverse effect to human health and environment. It also needs to be segregated in containers at point of generation and handled and disposed off in accordance with prescribed standards.

Another popular waste product that is used on a regular basis is the batteries. It should be noted that batteries that are not disposed properly can end up to leak with used lead acid batteries and their components which can be very dangerous. As such, the community is advised to deposit used batteries with dealer, manufacturer, importer, assembler, recycler, re-conditioner or designated collection centres instead of throwing them away. Cleaners services of plastic waste also needs to be handled effectively especially since plastic takes a very long time for them to decompose compared to other types of waste. Finding the nearest recycling center is able to make waste management activity much easier to handle. We can only hope for the best with India’s waste management problem.

Business Loans: The Risks & The Opportunities

Loans have helped a huge number of business owners start and manage their business. Companies can end up running out of resources which in turn require them to seek the aid of business loans or else they risk running out of business. Business loans have been in the industry for quite some having their fair share of risk & opportunities.

Business owners are required to pay a regular monthly payment for a set period of time with a standard small business loan. It should also be noted that unless it’s a variable rate loan, the payment amount and terms don’t adjust with time. Similar to money given to homeowners for home improvements and various expenses, some banks will extend you a line of credit to help fund your small business which is a very much welcomed addition. As such, businesses are able to find the much needed funding that they need to manage their company.

Business loans do play a very important role in helping provide companies backup funding that they need until they are able to reach a breakeven. There have been a number of loan officers that provide their services for small businesses. They step in where a traditional bank might not lend to a small business. They exist online, where a nice suit and an open face won’t impress them. As a result, their techniques are sometimes unorthodox.

With opportunities, also comes risk and business loans have the consequences of default. This is where lenders may seize your assets and collateral if one is unable to pay for their loan. With small business loans there is a risk that the bank may require borrowers to sign up for a business bank account to make automatic withdrawals to pay the obligation which is quite problematic if one is running out of resources. Bad loans often become a problem and the Bank of India, Bank of Baroda, Indian Overseas Bank, SBI and Punjab National Bank are banks with a major share in bad loans. In fact, bad loans by public sector banks soar 27 pc in a year which is quite an alarming number.

Online Lenders does indeed offer a faster lifeline for small businesses and this is especially true today where obtaining a bank loan or credit line has always been painful. The paperwork takes days to prepare, approval decisions can drag on for weeks or months and this involves a tiresome and gruesome process. There is also a chance where your loan will not get granted wasting you a considerable amount of time as a result.

With that being said, RBS to suggest peer-to-peer lending to rejected business loan applicants. It should be noted that the RBS, provides a third of all lending to small and medium-sized enterprises in Britain, and they are expecting to advise thousands of businesses to contact peer-to-peer lenders Funding Circle and Assetz Capital.

It is important to be wary about business loans that can be approved with little to no effort. There have been cases in which a man attempted suicide as he was harassed by loan sharks. As such, when seeking a high-risk small business loan, you must expect to pay a very high interest rate. You don’t want to end up with an over increasing business loan so plan your actions carefully.

Horse Racing Opportunities In India


Horse racing in India  started more than a century ago, it was first introduced by the British. The first Indian racecourse was set up in Madras in 1777. The British aristocrats and other racing patrons were part of an elite social circle. Today, Royal families still own horses together with a new generation of sporting people including businessmen, entrepreneurs, corporate executives and professionals who are interested in the game. India today has a very well established racing industry with five Turf Authorities that conduct horse racing events at nine racetracks located around the country.

British in India viewed horse racing as a sport and past-time, betting and wagering on horses was exempted to the criminal sanctions imposed on gambling. The Supreme Court legitimized this activity in 1992 with a ruling that wagering on horse races is a game of skill and not just luck, that’s why it doesn’t constitute an illegal form of gambling. This ruling made the horse racing popularity reach an unprecedented level. Lotteries and betting on horses Win-at-Horse-Racing with a licensed bookmaker is exempted from the gambling ban. There are plenty of opportunities for Indian residents to bet on horse racing via the internet. There are no laws prohibiting people from placing bet and free bets  even with online bookmakers based abroad.

Horse racing opportunities in India is vast for people who want to make money in this sport. Horse racing is a profitable business; there are lots of ways a horse owner can make money. There are purses that can be won and money that can be made from using a winning horse as a stud. There’s also money in betting on horses to win. Even retired horses make money from renting his services to broodmares. Professional horse owners who want to make money employ the best trainers, jockey and staff to help ensure their horses win.

Racing also provides numerous opportunities for those who love riding and seeking to make a career in this sport. Horse racing offers a huge economic activity with multiple career options. Some jobs  require an intensive education and experience while others only require experience and high school education. At the administrative level, there are talented people who can work as racing officials, veterinary doctors and race day officials. Horse racing also gives a wide scope of employment opportunities through the club and several license holders.

Horse racing jobs include racetrack operation as well as those which require direct interaction with horses. There are many career options if you have the passion for this sport. Here are some possibilities for those seeking a career with horses:

Horse Jockey
A jockey rides racehorses in competition and delivers commands to encourage the horse to win. They participate in horse training and exercise regimen with horse trainer supervision.

Racehorse Trainer
Trainers oversee the total care of the horse and prepare horses for racing events. They work with jockeys, veterinarians, exercise rider and farriers to provide comprehensive care and maximise each horse’s performance.

Equine Veterinarian
Veterinarians give preventive health care and treat horse injuries. Track veterinarians perform pre-race inspections to determine of horses are fit to compete. They also care for injured horses on the racetrack premises. They take post-race samples for testing of banned and illegal medication. They also perform different exams at the request of horse owners and trainers.

Equine Veterinary Technician
Technicians provide assistance to veterinarians when they perform complete exams and surgical procedures. They must have a two year degree and pass licensure examination in this field.

Equine Dental Technician
Dental technicians are involve in horse dental care and ensures that the horse is eating and performing properly. They perform “floating” or removing sharp points from a horse’s teeth.

Horse Breeder
Breeders are in-charge for caring and raising horses and also sell offspring or charge for access to prized studs. They keep genealogies and detailed records of weight, diet and horse characteristics.

Riding Instructor
Instructors must be specialized in different riding disciplines such as saddle seat, hunt seat, dressage, reining and show jumping. They supervise students and direct them in training sessions and riding lessons.

Exercise Riders
Riders ride horses during morning workouts. Their work begins before down and normally ends before noon. They usually ride 6 to 8 horses each morning. Riders are licensed to be able to ride the racetrack.

Farrier’s job is concerned with maintaining equine hooves. They perform routine trims, shape and apply horse shoes. On the average they attend each equine client about 7 times a year.

Grooms provide daily care for the horses and noting changes on the horse’s behaviour or body that might need veterinary care.

Driving India Towards More Ethical Business Practices


Traditional Indian business culture puts a premium on favours, clanship and friendship. Friendship is regarded with high value, whether based on personal friendship, family friendship or school friendship. Conflict of interest does not blend well with the Indian value of group loyalty. Businesses breaking the law in India are rampant. Tax evasion and corrupt practices are commonly seen from individual citizens to businesses of all kinds and scale.

Almost all of the unethical business behaviour in India can be seen in the areas which are government administration related whether national, state, city and village. This business culture even extends to million dollar businesses out of the country. Indian billionaire businessman Gautum Adani makes special request to Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to introduce a law that prohibits environmental activist groups from seeking judicial review of environmental approvals for major projects like his coal mine, rail and port project in Queensland.

There are number of impractical or restrictive laws causing more corruption in public services and the citizen. Businessmen and common men are subjected to many conditions making them resort to corrupt practices. Corruptions happen in different ways such as speed money, nepotism, underhand commission, nuisance value, avoiding legal punishment by breaking the law. A study showed that the most corrupt areas in India are the legal system and the police. Many Indian business people now even have their own police escorts driving them not just around Indian cities, but all over the world.

21st century businesses are finding ways not to succumb to corrupt practices by the government. Transparency International analysis showed that businesses can manage to get their rights without going the routes of corruption. A firm resolve by company executives can make it possible for businesses to behave ethnically in its relationship with the government and private sectors. Adhering to ethical standard makes good business sense. There are good examples of successful and ethical businesses in India worth emulating. Three Indian companies made it to the 2015 World’s Most Ethical Companies including The Tata Power Company Limited, Wipro Limited, Tata Steel Limited.

The World’s Most Ethical Companies are leaders in their industries measured by key ethical criteria such as corporate social responsibility, employee well-being, environmental compliance and company track record. The three companies are shining example of how ethics can be the foundation of how companies function. Globalisation is driving India towards more ethical business practices. Today nsw compensation lawyers in India are increasingly integrated with businesses from highly industrialized countries that adhere to ethical business behaviour. Younger generation of Indian entrepreneurs are willing to adhere to ethical business standards. Most of their companies are now creating Chief Ethics Officer position for their business.

Digital technology helps to bring great transparency and sustainability in the system. Business organisations have discovered that working together with non-profit and government organisations not only solve social problems but can give them new insights and approaches to creating business opportunities. Helping to solve community needs creates opportunities and develops ideas and demonstrates business technologies, to widen the market, and solve longstanding business problems. In today’s global economy ethical business practices increase competitiveness in the industry while helping to further sustainable excellence.